Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Michael Vick, RACISM and why the U.S. is still living in the 1950's

In many ways, I am a bit of an idealist. I want a "perfect world" in which there is no poverty, where there is no such thing as injustice, and where all people are treated equally under the law.

Sadly, and in spite of the heroic struggles of men and women such as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Rosa Parks and modern day Civil Rights advocates (for example the upcoming Black Empowerment Day here in St. Petersburg, FL), RACISM still exists in our country.

Take the example of Michael Vick.

Vick, an NFL star, and an African American, just entered a plea agreement on (get this!) conspiracy charges in relation to his role in a dog-fighting ring. For Vick's involvement, he will receive anywhere from between 1 - 5 years in prison, unless of course, the sentencing Judge acts justly and not according to the color of Michael Vick's skin!

It turns out that dog fighting, although a heinous form of animal abuse, is usually not given a jail sentence for first time offenders. But, since Vick originally lied about his involvement, conspiracy charges (of all things!) were levied against him.

1 - 5 years in prison for dog-fighting.

This is an example of the institutional racism that is still present in our nation.

If Vick were a white quarterback, such as Peyton Manning, who looks like a character out of the 1950's Leave it to Beaver television show, do you think that Peyton Manning would be facing a 1 - 5 year prison sentence for dog-fighting even if he had originally lied about it?

It is tough to answer this question completely, but I cannot help but wonder if Vick is not being sentenced so harshly because his skin is black rather than for any actual crime that he may have committed.

So, what do you think?

Please post your response . . .

Blessings in Jesus,
Rob J. King, FOR JUSTICE for ALL American citizens


Unknown said...

I agree. Michael Vick did a stupid thing (apart from dog fighting) he plays a position in football reserved for white folk and he is a nigger with money and needs to be shown who's boss.

Off course I'm being silly but a South African friend of mine (now resident in California) tells a story about having to get some document signed by a commissioner of oaths in Birmingham Alabama and a comment made by a police officer there (this was the early 1990's prior to our first democratic elections) saying through a tobacco filled mouth - "shoot all yawl South Africans sure know how to treat your Niggers down there."

It reflects exactly that racism is rampant.

Here in South Africa I am often confronted by people who in white only company will make very derogatory racists comments assuming that because I am white I must have the same mind set as they, and people look all askance when I correct them. Its a real problem especially when the person is a business client, I put the deal at risk for morality.

We are all to a greater or lessor extent racist I guess, its an upbringing where people are separated and so we judge eastern Europeans by their accent and the difficulty speaking English by racists terms grouping people as opposed to meeting individuals. Yes all nationalities have caricatures that apply to a greater or lessor extent, but in understanding cultural differences we can over come the racism or Xenophobia.

Dcipher said...

By no means does the punishment fit the crime. The sentencing of NFL star Michael Vick is an overt act of racism not only to Michael Vick himself but a statement to every black person in the world. For a 1st time offender the penalty is extremely harsh. Even though I dont agree with cruelty to animals, there are worse crimes which the indicted are shown much more leniency. For example, domestic abuse, assault with a deadly weapon to another human being, sexual assault. These are offenses that occur yearly in professional sports but without the media attention. How about the white collar crimes in corporate world that cost people there jobs-livelihood. The punishment didnt fit the crime because this was a statement. This is an attack of what Michael Vick represents. He represents many things like a pioneer, black independance, nonconformist, and successful at all these things and that is a little too much for many of the elite in caucasion society. I pray to God that he is more successful that he was before and God give him more than double for what he has lost. I pray for his soul's salvation, his deliverance of personal issues and that he be a light for God. Not a light for popular society. I have boycotted the NFL until his return. For all the Vick haters, think twice before you spit in the face and pass judgement of people. Its a devilish act because Satan is the accuser of man, not Jesus.

Dcipher said...

By no means does the punishment fit the crime. The sentencing of NFL star Michael Vick is an overt act of racism not only to Michael Vick himself but a statement to every black person in the world. For a 1st time offender the penalty is extremely harsh. Even though I dont agree with cruelty to animals, there are worse crimes which the indicted are shown much more leniency. For example, domestic abuse, assault with a deadly weapon to another human being, sexual assault. These are offenses that occur yearly in professional sports but without the media attention. How about the white collar crimes in corporate world that cost people there jobs-livelihood. The punishment didnt fit the crime because this was a statement. This is an attack of what Michael Vick represents. He represents many things like a pioneer, black independance, nonconformist, and successful at all these things and that is a little too much for many of the elite in caucasion society. I pray to God that he is more successful that he was before and God give him more than double for what he has lost. I pray for his soul's salvation, his deliverance of personal issues and that he be a light for God. Not a light for popular society. I have boycotted the NFL until his return. For all the Vick haters, think twice before you spit in the face and pass judgement of people. Its a devilish act because Satan is the accuser of man, not Jesus.

Unknown said...

I don't get it.....none of Michael Vick's civil rights were violated. He had the best lawyers that his huge piles of money could buy. After torturing, electrocuting, drowning, and mutilating dozens of dogs, this guy got off easy. I'm not denying that racism is rampant in this country, I simply don't think that the Vick case is an example of it. You still haven't made your case......how is this racism?

Unknown said...

I don't get it.....none of Michael Vick's civil rights were violated. He had the best lawyers that his huge piles of money could buy. After torturing, electrocuting, drowning, and mutilating dozens of dogs, this guy got off easy. I'm not denying that racism is rampant in this country, I simply don't think that the Vick case is an example of it. You still haven't made your case......how is this racism?

Unknown said...

I don't get it.....none of Michael Vick's civil rights were violated. He had the best lawyers that his huge piles of money could buy. After torturing, electrocuting, drowning, and mutilating dozens of dogs, this guy got off easy. I'm not denying that racism is rampant in this country, I simply don't think that the Vick case is an example of it. You still haven't made your case......how is this racism?