Friday, November 30, 2007

Why Islam is a tricky situation, politically speaking

The New York Times (Friday November 30, 2007, A-3) reported today how a British school teacher has been sitting in a jail cell in the Islamic nation of the Sudan.

Her crime?

She teaches 7 year olds in the Sudan and had the brazenness to actually name the class teddy bear "Muhammad."

In the U.S. we can sell cabbage patch dolls at Christian bookstores that are modelled after Jesus Christ, but apparently the prophet Muhammad must be rolling over in his grave that a teddy bear has been named for him!

Oh, and by the way this school teacher will now be deported back to Britain and this is the lenient administration of Shariah (Islamic Theocratic) Law. Her maximum penalty under Shariah Law would have been 6 months in jail and 40 lashes.

Well, folks, I am an American. Whether Islamic, Jewish, Christian (or even Buddhist!), we are protected by our secular government whose Constitution says that Congress shall make NO law creating an establishment of religion, nor prohibiting the free exercise of religion!

So, go ahead and buy some stuffed baby Jesus dolls for your kids at Christmas! Jesus Christ will actually like it . . .

Love in Jesus Christ,
Rob J. King, Theocrat under the Sovereign Reign of Jesus Christ promoting a Democrat-led secular Constitutional representative Republic

Thursday, November 29, 2007

U-Tubes, Police brutality & libertarian anarchists

Yesterday was quite the scene in downtown St. Petersburg. Following work, I walked to the Publix grocery store near my house (I live in down-town St. Petersburg), and as I was walking back, I noticed that in front of the Republican National Presidential debates (U-Tube and CNN) there were numerous placard-carrying homeless protesters vying for media attention and chanting "Homelessness is not a crime."

"Homelessness is not a crime."

Just imagine that. The Son of Man, Jesus Christ was a homeless man by the way.

Now, in St. Petersburg, at the height of pre-campaign battles, the G.O.P. (generally not the political party of the poor, the migrant, the true Christian) is brought into national focus with homeless men & women chanting that their status is not intrinsically a crime.

Go figure. The Party of Abe Lincoln now represents corporate power, not helping the poor, and is generally antagonistic to Mexicans . . .

But, on the other side of the G.O.P. looms a funnier threat, the anarchist Libertarians who basically want to hunker down with assault rifles while refusing to pay their income tax (Jesus Christ said about taxation, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's" which means to pay your darn taxes you bunch of gun-toating, deer huntin' white boys!). Yes, I do like Ron Paul and yes I do like Libertarians, but abolish the I.R.S., come on! We'd all be driving in horse drawn carriages and living with kerosene lanterns if basic infrastructure is compromised all in the interests of 'limited government.'

Nope, I am a true-blue Jimmy Carter Democrat now . . . Give me that old-timey "nanny state!" ;-) You see, as much as we Americans don't like to bathe, live in houses or pay our taxes (Libertarians! Republicans at least bathe!), when the corporate elites start down-sizing and sending our work to China, guess what, unemployment benefits actually keep the economy even running!

So, no, conservatives, your answer only produces societal squalor. The economy actually did MUCH better under Clinton, remember?


Love in Jesus Christ,
Rob J. King, for a healthy, wealthy Federal Reserve (let the Libertarians hunt deer for their food and move to Montana, but please don't let Ron Paul run the country!)

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

JUSTICE, a proposal for a new, better America . . .

Folks, we live in an inherently unjust land. From the slavery that dominated the South up until the Civil War to lynchings in the next hundred years of "Jim Crow South" to anti-Catholic sentiment perpetrated by the KKK, the A.C.L.U. and other hate groups to fiscal domination by big corporate America that sends pink slips to the nation's best and brightest while lifting up greedy telemarketers (sales reps who even try to dominate even higher education at supposed universities such as the for-profit University of Phoenix), we live in an inherently unjust society.

Law will help change the structures.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said (paraphrase) that he could not keep someone from hating him (due to the color of his skin), but he could sure keep people from lynching him if the correct laws are passed!

Similarly, I as a committed born-again Christian (charismatic Catholic) cannot keep people from hating me, discriminating against me and even imprisoning me for my beliefs (at times and in evil places like Rochester, NY, a bastion of anti-Christian thought), but through committed effort, and working with the best of secular, Jewish and Christian Americans, things can improve!

Whether it is a secular fellow political activist such as Chad Lupkes on the Far Left or my Catholic and Evangelical Protestant colleagues on the Right (increasing not 'far right' which is more racist and elitist than anything . . .), the Nation and indeed the entire Western Hemisphere will move forward.

Yes, we have suffered from corruption. Whether the evil was Enron, World-Com, or illegal War profiteering (not to mention the evils of pornography, abortion, and suicide by physicians), we have indeed mutilated our own country. We are a corrupt people now due to the corrupt leadership that we have had. Whether it is Dick Cheney's conflict of interests in War profiteering or Bill Clinton's adultery, we have suffered.

Give me that old time Democrat and Republican Christian heritage that is truly Christian. Jimmy Carter is a good model to follow. We gave him the boot just because of circumstances beyond his control (OPEC control of oil, the Iran hostage affair), but then he went on to become a great WORLD LEADER.

Yes, there IS JUSTICE.

Rob J. King, VERITAS et IUSTITIA ("Truth and Justice")

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Two men enter, one man leaves . . .

"Two men enter, one man leaves . . ." In the movie (starring Mel Gibson) Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome, the crowd in the post-apocalyptic world of Mad Max movies chants wildly for the "best man" to enter the new elite.

Yes, in many ways the barbaric world of Mad Max movies is just that, barbaric! But, in many ways, such "singling out" through raw strength (personal) has always been how leaders (the good leaders that is!) have been chosen. Whether JFK or Abe Lincoln, the "best man" is whom we the People of the United States choose irregardless of whether that man was 'born in a log cabin' OR a loyal Catholic.

In some ways, although I abhor violence, and I am a self-avowed just war-proponent (i.e. no "first strike, but wars of defense only"), the toughness needed to LEAD is the best thing I have to offer all American citizens.

Yes, I am a committed Christian. Yes, I have friends who are secular friends of Christendom, and increasingly on the 'left' side of the political spectrum, but it is through strength of character that I wish to offer up this season of my life. Not for glory (I already have achieved that in abundance) nor for money (I could care less as long as I can enjoy life still . . .), but for love of country that I offer up my strength of purpose.

And yes, 'back in the day' I could hold my own "Mad Max" style. Whether it was blocking John Dalton, starting Davidson College linebacker, day after day in practice (as the son of then Secretary of the Navy, he was our toughest, most hard-nosed hitter!) OR whether it was going up against the hapless Washington & Lee football team, perennial losers on the field, but with Oliver North's son on the team, I generally won 80% or more of my battles.

Yes, I suffered a couple of set-backs. No, I was not an NFL prospect (at 6'0" 215 pounds and running a 4.95 40 dash I was less than stellar as a natural athlete), but with everything that I had in me, I still succeeded, and even was named a three year starter.

So, if you want someone who can effectively mix "brains with brawn" then I humbly offer up my services as a Democrat.

My father was a Democrat and Jimmy Carter fan, and I was a Democrat from 1990 - 2004, and after 3 years as a Republican I am sick and tired of the compromised right that trades its soul for corporate profits, sleaze and corruption.

Vote Rob King in '08

Love in Jesus Christ,
Rob J. King

Monday, November 26, 2007

Homecomings . . .

This Saturday (following Thanksgiving) I enjoyed reliving my old high school football "Glory Days" at our Shorecrest Preparatory School's annual alumni flag football game.

Three tackles, no injuries. A successful day for a 36 year old!

What was most appreciated about such a gathering was the commitment to character displayed by the alumni of my high school football program. From Davidson College to Dartmouth University to Rhodes College to Georgetown University, Shorecrest Prep has produced much more than football players, but indeed, true societal leaders!

I was able to meet up with old high school pal Marcos, a two-time alumnus of Georgetown (B.A., J.D.), pal around with a Navy friend who caught the touchdown pass in the first game (we lost in the championship game to the 20 something year old crowd), and most importantly, I was able to catch up with my old high school coach, a man of honor, endurance and success having sent football players to schools ranging from F.S.U. to Davidson College to the Citadel to every school in between!

But, in spite of our loss on the field as a bunch of graying "older alumni," the true battle will now be fought in the U.S. for the hearts and souls of the American people. Protestant, Catholic and Jew represents the finest of Shorecrest Prep, all living harmoniously together and all to the Glory of God!

If you would like to see a former I-AA three year starting Offensive Lineman in the White House, then please send me an e-mail. I just switched over to being a Pro-Life DEMOCRAT (officially mailed in the form). I represent STRONG FAMILY VALUES, a STRONG MILITARY focused on SECURITY, not retribution, and a STRONG PRO-LIFE CATHOLIC CHRISTIAN ETHIC. By the way, I can still chase down and effectively "open field tackle" a bunch of 18 - 25 year old football alumni also . . . ;-)

Love in Jesus Christ,
Rob J. King, unofficial candidate

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Being Famous and All of That Stuff . . .

Jesus Christ was tempted by the devil in the wilderness (at the end of a 40 day fast). What Jesus was tempted with, however, serves as a dire warning to all of us. Food, power, and fame.

Do you put more emphasis upon what goes into your tummy than what comes out of your heart? Are Christmas cookies more important to you than the Pursuit of JUSTICE?

Or, regarding 'power,' are you more interested in 'climbing the corporate ladder,' or for we academic types, 'getting published somewhere' than we are in using whatever God gives us (from a lowly postman to Donald Trump) in order to do the Work of God?

Finally, being famous, although appealing in many ways (who wouldn't want to look like Brad Pitt and have women 'oogling' after you?) are the famous any more holy or righteous than some nun quietly doing God's work tucked away somewhere in rural Indiana?

No, rather than being well-fed (overly fed that is!) OR being power-hungry OR being famous-for its own sake, let us all reject satan's offers of false authority and ONLY be a humble servant of our King Jesus Christ!

Love in Jesus Christ,
Rob J. King, a Christian

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Pursuit of Justice

I am diligently working my way through a book written by Dexter King, son of the late American icon and Civil Rights Leader, Martin Luther King, Jr.

Sadly, what I am reading is quite shocking.

Racist whites, a likely plot to kill several Black Church Leaders (including a hitman who had infiltrated a worship service and began firing on congregation members), and sadly, the TRUTH of who our Nation State has been, and in different ways, still is.

Evil lurks in America.

The true dividing line is neither 'liberal' nor 'conservative' for I know men & women of valor representing both perspectives.

No, the true dividing line is simple. Good. Evil. Yes, there are the mediocre, the compromised, the half-hearted, the lazy, the lukewarm. But while recognizing the 'middle' position in the U.S.A., sadly there is TRUE evil lurking in America.

Men can have their children 'legally' stolen from them in divorce court, all on 'hearsay' evidence. Similarly, any man or woman can be incarcerated under the Uniform Code of Military Justice all on hearsay evidence, and without any outside court being able to even know about the evidence of the case (the historic Western legal doctrine of habeas corpus) all due to the irrational and anti-American Congressional bill signed into law known as the Military Commissions Act of 2006. In fact, when I met Senate Judiciary Chair, Patrick Leahy in April 2007, when he spoke out (similarly) against this un-Constitutional Law, I applauded him and he warmly received me that day due to our joint commitment to Constitutional due process under law.

Hangings back in the 1950's and 60's. Now "War on Terror" erosion of Civil Liberties in the 2000's.

What will happen next in the United States of America? With a Giuliani or Romney Presidency, we would expect a further slide into fascism.

Remember, Adolf Hitler was popularly elected in the war-torn Germany as burdened as it was by the Treaty of Versailles. If "law & order" Republicans such as Romney or Giuliani ever take office, look out America!

For a different voice, please read this blog, and be in e-mail contact.

Love in Jesus Christ,
Rob J. King, for a Free Democratic Republic

Monday, November 19, 2007

The Sands of Time

All human beings have the same amount of time. Whether it is historic Christendom designating time as "A.D. or B.C." ("The Year of Our Lord" in Latin or "Before Christ") OR whether it is the European-led revolt against their very own Christian forefathers (the politically correct designation called "Common Era"), time is nonetheless the same for all people. The sun rises and the sun sets. Morning comes and so does the Evening. Twenty four hours and the earth makes one complete rotation on its magnetic axis. Time will not change irregardless of how much money, how much fame, how much supposed 'power' one may think they have (if you have millions of dollars, trust me, this pile of cash can easily be destroyed by a lifelong battle with cancer or other disease).

Time is the great equalizer of humanity.

Then why is it that some waste their valuable time?

Psalm 90 reminds us that time is fleeting, with 70 or 80 years the most that human beings should expect to receive.

Yet time is still wasted.

Fraud, drunkenness, debauchery, laziness, cartoon TV, mishaps within one's family.

Time is wasted.

Yet, in Jesus' Teaching, the penalty for squandered opportunity is quite severe. Jesus Christ taught His disciples that if one were given one 'talent' (let's say $100), then one invests it to make another $100, then this disciple will be further rewarded! But, if one is given one 'talent' (again $100) but does not invest it (out of fear), then even that $100 will be taken from you and given to the person who acted out of trust.

And so it is with our time.

Do we invest our time wisely?

Do we invest time with our children or do we squander opportunities in needless family squabbles?

Do we invest time in pursuing an education? Money can come and go like the wind. One month I have $12,000 sitting in a bank account, several months later, due to travel (academic conference), rent, food, and transportation, I do not.

So, time, rather than money (although money should similarly be invested well as seeds) is truly our most precious resource.

What will happen at the end of your life? Will the LORD Jesus Christ meet you and then ask 'what did you do with your time?'

My hope and prayer is that ALL of my time (and money and energy, and ALL resources) be committed to the Work of God.

My hope and prayer is the same for each of you who read this . . .

Love in Jesus Christ,
Rob J. King

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Staying On Top of Things . . .

For years I have been a chronic 'time-freak.' Perhaps it was playing three sports in high school (two All-State honors) or playing two sports in college (again, two all-academic Southern Conference honors), but since I have historically always been 'pressed for time,' I have had to become rigid about certain life disciplines.

First of all rest. Karl Barth, in his magisterial Church Dogmatics actually begins his section on "Ethics" with, of all things, a discussion of the Sabbath! Barth, a political dissenter who resisted Hitler and who was also a member of the German "Confessing Church," saw the need to always place all human action first and foremost in the hands of God Almighty! Barth, an early Political Progressive (arguing for Worker's Rights in his native Switzerland) saw the need (potentially from his own involvement in Progressive Politics) to place all free human ethical acts in the hands of God, the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit. It took me until a Jewish Rabbi finally collapsed my self-sufficiency as a Third Year M.Div. student to finally see the need for Sabbath, but ever since, REST has been paramount for success!

Second, record-keeping is essential. If I cannot find an important document then I can suffer great harm.

Third, maintaining political relationships is essential. Whether it is old Theology Professors whom I will mail updates to (e.g. Stanley Hauerwas, Ethicist at Duke University) or whether it is going ahead and mailing in those alumni updates to places like Davidson College, Duke Divinity School and even my high school, Shorecrest Prep, one never knows when such political connections will help advance the Cause of Justice. In fact, my best friend from high school (a Georgetown Law School grad) is now a Defense Attorney for Federal cases of alleged fraud. Since the F.B.I. has targetted Christian Leaders such as M.L. King, Jr., such a friend is always good to have on hand . . . False accusations of impropriety can literally ruin a career, and, in fact, Political Campaigns are notorious for trying to libel the other candidates, even if no truth is being spoken.

Finally, and most importantly, never giving up my relationship with Jesus Christ is essential to 'success' both in this life and most importantly in the afterlife. I have been 'ordered' to not pray the Name Jesus in front of a group of all U.S. military personnel, but yet such a violation of my First Amendment Civil Rights did not even come into focus, at least not until I met with a career chaplain (United Methodist) who held the deepest respect for my religious convictions. In the end, fidelity to Jesus wins out!

So, if you want to be a 'success,' place JESUS CHRIST first and foremost in your life. ALL other ground is sinking sand. JESUS CHRIST is the ROCK upon which we must all universally stand. Also, you might want to make sure to get rest, keep good record-keeping and maintain those political connections. They may save your life someday!

Love & blessings in JESUS CHRIST, KING of kings and LORD of lords,
Rob J. King

Friday, November 16, 2007

Mitt, Giuliani & the rest

I am deeply worried about the future of the United States.

On the so-called conservative side, apparently even Pat Robertson, long-time Evangelical leader, has signed off on a pro-abortion almost nazi like Giuliani nomination. With a Giuliani regime, expect a further erosion of our Constitutional rights. Rights such as due process. Rights such as being innocent until PROVEN guilty without a shadow of a doubt by a duly authorized court of law. Rights such as Habeas Corpus.

Similarly, with a Mitt Romney regime, we could expect further deteriorating our relationship with our closest southern neighbor, Mexico. Does the United States of America actually want to go to war against Catholic Christian Mexico? With a Romney presidency, we could expect that possibility!

But, what about the "left"? Can Hillary or Barack get elected?

Well, the answer is NO!

The Catholic Church and Evangelical Protestantism is simply TOO large of a voting block for any pro-abortion/gay rights candidate to get elected!

Ron Paul is an intriguing figure, and committed to restoring our Constitutional way of life, but alas he is too old at this point to really get much accomplished.

The mess of the Iraq War (from inside sources as high up as Generals who commanded our forces over in Iraq!) to the failing economy (soon to be eclipsed by communist China on the world stage with its cut-throat bottom-of-the barrel pricing!) to the ever present threat of Islamic terrorism, we are a nation caught between the proverbial "Scylla and Charybdis!"

How about a change?

I come from a Pro-Life Democrat Family. The King Family of west Georgia originally. Jimmy Carter fans since as far back as I can remember. We support strong Family Values, a strong Military that is used for wars of defense only and a return to Traditional America, whether that America is Jewish, Catholic or Protestant, or even good-natured secularists who do not attack anything Christian out of irrational paranoia.

Vote for a KING, not a "fall-back . . ."

Either a Romney Mexican War, a Giuliani dictatorship OR a KING.

Love in Jesus Christ,
Rob J. King, Presidential hopeful

Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Gay Rights Agenda and Why it will FAIL

I just received a Rod Parsley (TV Evangelist) political update concerning the so-called "Hate Crimes" legislation that Congress seeks to institute as law, and surreptiously connected to a much-needed Defense Spending Bill.

Now, although a fan of George W. Bush, and although a fellow Pro-Lifer as President, "President George" is proving himself less and less a friend of the Religious Right, so much so, in fact, that the Bible-believing section of the Democratic Party may be a better fit!

Truly, it is the Democrats and not the Republicans who continually push for legitimizing sodomy, push for same-sex marriage (which goes against the Natural Law), and also are in favor of infanticide. But, within the African American Christian community (still predominately Democrat), these important moral issues fall in line with Christian Thought, and therefore may be the 'hope' of the future, provided the Black Community will vote according to conscience and not according to party designation alone.

Exemplars such as Bernice King (youngest daughter of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.) are not the same type of Black Christian Leader as Barack Obama. Obama, although a suave, good-looking young man, is nonetheless still a member of the almost unitarian universalist denomination United Church of Christ. Therefore, for the T.D. Jakes type of Black Christian Leader, Obama represents a failure, rather than a success of the African American Christian community. Now if Condoleeza Rice or Bernice King were to run for President, then this would be a different story. Both women are staunchly in favor of conservative Judeo-Christian America, albeit from a Democratic perspective (Bernice King) or from a centrist, non-xenophobic Republican perspective (Condoleeza Rice).

The African American community (as well as I can discern) is simply not as 'welcoming' of homosexual activity within their midst. Whether the Black Leader is a practicing Christian or simply raised in a traditionally Christian home, the African American community simply does not support homosexuality.

Therefore, although white liberals like Hillary Clinton want to shove sodomy down our collective American throats, it is the Black Democratic Party that will ultimately have the final say!

Love in Jesus Christ,
Rob J. King, Friend of ALL PEOPLE (including gays), BUT always upholding the TRUTH of CHRISTIAN TEACHING

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Growing up KING . . .

I just started reading a great book authored by Dexter King, son of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The book chronicles the 'inner history' of the King family, including anecdotes about older sister Yolanda playing the role of 'theater director,' young sister Bernice being the 'tag-along' tom-boy and of course, Dexter's own reflections.

In reading Growing Up King by Dexter King, I fondly reflect upon my own KING surname. The KING name is derived originally from Saxon conquerors of Britain (8th century origin), but then spread to Ireland. I am unsure of which side of the King family my name is derived from since I have both English and Irish blood on my paternal side. What is striking, nonetheless, is that the grandfather of Martin Luther King, Sr. was actually an Irishman named "King" and since they all lived in Georgia (where my own family roots extend back to that generation), at some point I (like Barack Obama being a 'cousin' to Dick Cheney, the black sheep of the Obama family ;-) am actually genetically related to the great Martin Luther King, Jr. At some point in the King surname Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and myself have a common grandpa!

With that being said, it is striking how much our 'family of origin' matters. Like Dr. King, descended from royalty on his father's side, I also have had to struggle for Civil Rights. A King is a King. People generally do not like kings, unless of course they can benefit from their power. To Dr. King, this meant going off to graduate school in order to gain his doctoral degree and turn the King family from Atlanta royalty to National royalty. For myself, like my Father before me, it has meant moving (back) to St. Petersburg, FL in order to flourish. Gone are the days of persecution by feminist ideology. Now, the future is BRIGHT.

If you would like to see a King in Office, in fact, even the Oval Office, then please support my political calling. Kingship matters. It did for Dr. King and the Civil Rights Movement and it does for 2007 U.S.A. in helping to get our young men and women out of Iraq, reducing government spending, shaping up our deficit-riddled budget and making prosperity a real option for Americans again.

Vote King.

Love in Jesus Christ,
Rob J. King, fan of my cousin Martin ;-)

Friday, November 9, 2007

Ethics, what is it, can it be secular?

Right now I am muddling through a whole stack of Applied Ethics mid-terms. These essays are written in response to a real-life Governmental Fraud type of scenario (illegal and over-billing in the Iraq War). In paper after paper that I am reading, I am struck by how various "ethical theories" exist, but then the actual conclusion varies quite widely based upon personality, ethno-cultural background, and occasionally religion.

What does NOT unify these ethical conclusions is the notion that there is one and only one correct answer. In fact, most 'ethics' courses are taught in such a way that norms are basically a thing of the past and all that matters is clearly elucidating one's position.

This leads to a question . . . Can ethics be secular?

My own answer is no.

Ethics is rooted in direct divine command, given by YHWH on Mt. Sinai to Moses and then radically re-interpreted through Jesus the Messiah and the fulfillment of the Law.

Yes, there is still the 'natural law' that points to the inherent moral order of the universe. But, by and large, outside of issues such as reproduction and sexuality, the natural law tells us little. It takes a direct revelation from YHWH to tell us not to practice adultery, not to worship idols, not to covet our neighbor's wife or goods. No where else in secular ethics do such norms exist. In fact, in the secular western nations of Europe and N. America, adultery is no longer outlawed, one can worship idols and covetousness is the grist of the capitalist mill as our very fallen desires are then turned towards fulfilling the expectations of a consumer-driven economy.

So, no, secularists, ethics cannot be taught, only learned. I invite all of my Jewish and Christian colleagues to join me in 'reeducating America' during the next ten years!

Love in Jesus Christ,
Rob J. King, follower of the Torah

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Homecoming, football and the old, old America . . .

The act of Homecoming is beautiful.

Recently I attended the annual conference of the Coming Home Network. The Coming Home Network is a Catholic Apostolate that is in place to welcome those from other Christian communities who desire full communion with the Vatican.

I greatly enjoyed this event, especially since the chief focus was Jesus Christ and also the Virgin Mary. Whether it was sweatshirts for sale or posters or rosaries, the focus was on good, old, old Catholic piety!

Here is where the United States of America must return to its true spiritual home. What started out as a place of Religious Freedom as established by English Puritans in the North, Baptists and Methodists (Anglicans) in the South and Catholics in the Southwest, sadly is now a 'ship' that has gone astray without its rutter.

From killing our babies in the womb (something illegal from the 1700's - 1973) to same-sex unions (homosexuality itself was outlawed in most states up until the 20th century) to fighting wars that are no longer 'just wars,' but instead are the wars of capitalist expansion, we are a Nation adrift without a rudder. Need oil, then go invade Iraq. Need fame, then go invade a country like Grenada.

In contrast to these recent developments in U.S. History, some of which were actually GOOD, like the Civil Rights Movement of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the distinctively Judeo-Christian aspect of our Nation state identity (which Dr. King eloquently and prophetically exemplified), must now be reinstituted. Reinstituted through prayer. Reinstituted through fasting. Reinstituted through recommitting our lives to Jesus Christ!

If you would like to return to the best of our original Judeo-Christian heritage, please support me politically. Ironically, Christian Teaching, when clearly and rationally stated is appealing to BOTH liberals and conservatives, whether it is concern for the poor, homeless, working class OR concern for the safety of children, including saving babies from the evil of infanticide.


Love in Jesus Christ,
Rob J. King, Christian Political Voice, lately leaning FULLY PRO-LIFE, potentially Democrat

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Putting the Moves on PEOPLE

Lately I have been thinking about sex. I just wrote a Campaigns Wikia article entitled "Sex Strangely Considered" in which I argue for the normativity of heterosexuality. One person really went ballistic, but then calmed down and we could engage in a rational dialogue.

One of the main problems that I have seen with homosexuality (case studies are not what I am talking about!) is that there seems to be a certain tendency of homosexuals to lack self-restraint. I have had a gay professor reference my male genitalia in a Divinity School bathroom, countless gay men either touch me without invitation and even one old gay man who actively propositions people in the public park close to my home.

Greek philosophers talked significantly about "erotic behavior," largely because they were so heavily engaged in it, heterosexual OR homosexual.

Greeks largely wanted a 'civilized' society and so wrote endlessly about Virtue and the need for 'moderation' in all things.

Sadly, when judged by the standards of ancient Greek PAGAN society (or at least the best of it!) our own nation has become so decadent that our own whips & chains homosexual underground would be even outside of GREEK PAGAN NORMS.

So, there we have it. I pray for REVIVAL in JESUS CHRIST'S NAME. Without it, our nation will fall just as the roman empire once fell (also due to its decadence, but eventually making room for Christian Rule).

Love in Jesus Christ,
Rob J. King, Father and Scholar for JESUS CHRIST

Monday, November 5, 2007

Jews, Gentiles and the NEXT CHRISTENDOM

Time is shaping our events in unexpected ways.

On the left coast, our original names of Spanish Catholic cities (Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego) are now largely a by-product of a culture long since vanished.

On the east coast, the puritan settlement that was the original northeast has become unitarian universalist at best, hedonistic welfare recipients at worst.

But, in the 'heartland' (places like S. Dakota, Indiana, North Carolina, and Lousiania), Christianity is 'alive and well.' Interestingly, it is the heartland, not the left coast nor the upper northeast, that elects Presidents. Baptists, Catholics, mormons, Jews (practicing) and other secular supporters of Christendom are the ones who put the President in office.

So, in union with these 60% of Americans, I now call upon the Name Jesus Christ to elect whom HE desires to see in the Oval Office.

Blessings & LOVE in JESUS CHRIST,
Rob J. King

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Time, space, physics and the HAND of GOD

I am not a scientist. I am a theologian, part-time historian, maverick Republican, and a STRONG PRO-LIFE CATHOLIC in the Spirit-Filled Christian Tradition (e.g. the Spiritual Homilies of Desert Father St. Macarius).

As such, I often speculate about Einstein's view of "time-space" relativity.

Do we really simply limp along from one minute to the next in boring mechanistic Newtonian fashion?

Is "G-D" some arbitrary Divine Clock-Maker who sets the world in motion and then takes His Hand of Protection away from us?

OR, like Einstein sought to prove in Nature, does Space and Time radically impinge on the other? Is the LORD God so sovereignly IN CONTROL of the universe that the atoms of matter from millions of years ago are not through the space-time relativistic continuum impinging on 2007? On 2017? On 2177?

How do we know that our ancestors (especially our ancestors in Jesus Christ, such as my grandpa King) do not effect our lives in 2007 in radical ways? I walk like my father, but somehow also have my son's mannerisms. Is my son part of me or am I part of my son?

Is my uncle really my father's brother or somehow (even through the DNA of a King) also not my father in some real biological sense? We both, afterall, dislike the Boston Red Sox! :-)

So, just a point to ponder.

Jesus Christ is the ALPHA and the OMEGA, the beginning and the end. HIS hand is over ALL of history.

Love in Jesus Christ,
Rob J. King, written in 2007 A.D. ("the year of our LORD")