Thursday, November 8, 2007

Homecoming, football and the old, old America . . .

The act of Homecoming is beautiful.

Recently I attended the annual conference of the Coming Home Network. The Coming Home Network is a Catholic Apostolate that is in place to welcome those from other Christian communities who desire full communion with the Vatican.

I greatly enjoyed this event, especially since the chief focus was Jesus Christ and also the Virgin Mary. Whether it was sweatshirts for sale or posters or rosaries, the focus was on good, old, old Catholic piety!

Here is where the United States of America must return to its true spiritual home. What started out as a place of Religious Freedom as established by English Puritans in the North, Baptists and Methodists (Anglicans) in the South and Catholics in the Southwest, sadly is now a 'ship' that has gone astray without its rutter.

From killing our babies in the womb (something illegal from the 1700's - 1973) to same-sex unions (homosexuality itself was outlawed in most states up until the 20th century) to fighting wars that are no longer 'just wars,' but instead are the wars of capitalist expansion, we are a Nation adrift without a rudder. Need oil, then go invade Iraq. Need fame, then go invade a country like Grenada.

In contrast to these recent developments in U.S. History, some of which were actually GOOD, like the Civil Rights Movement of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the distinctively Judeo-Christian aspect of our Nation state identity (which Dr. King eloquently and prophetically exemplified), must now be reinstituted. Reinstituted through prayer. Reinstituted through fasting. Reinstituted through recommitting our lives to Jesus Christ!

If you would like to return to the best of our original Judeo-Christian heritage, please support me politically. Ironically, Christian Teaching, when clearly and rationally stated is appealing to BOTH liberals and conservatives, whether it is concern for the poor, homeless, working class OR concern for the safety of children, including saving babies from the evil of infanticide.


Love in Jesus Christ,
Rob J. King, Christian Political Voice, lately leaning FULLY PRO-LIFE, potentially Democrat

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