Thursday, November 29, 2007

U-Tubes, Police brutality & libertarian anarchists

Yesterday was quite the scene in downtown St. Petersburg. Following work, I walked to the Publix grocery store near my house (I live in down-town St. Petersburg), and as I was walking back, I noticed that in front of the Republican National Presidential debates (U-Tube and CNN) there were numerous placard-carrying homeless protesters vying for media attention and chanting "Homelessness is not a crime."

"Homelessness is not a crime."

Just imagine that. The Son of Man, Jesus Christ was a homeless man by the way.

Now, in St. Petersburg, at the height of pre-campaign battles, the G.O.P. (generally not the political party of the poor, the migrant, the true Christian) is brought into national focus with homeless men & women chanting that their status is not intrinsically a crime.

Go figure. The Party of Abe Lincoln now represents corporate power, not helping the poor, and is generally antagonistic to Mexicans . . .

But, on the other side of the G.O.P. looms a funnier threat, the anarchist Libertarians who basically want to hunker down with assault rifles while refusing to pay their income tax (Jesus Christ said about taxation, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's" which means to pay your darn taxes you bunch of gun-toating, deer huntin' white boys!). Yes, I do like Ron Paul and yes I do like Libertarians, but abolish the I.R.S., come on! We'd all be driving in horse drawn carriages and living with kerosene lanterns if basic infrastructure is compromised all in the interests of 'limited government.'

Nope, I am a true-blue Jimmy Carter Democrat now . . . Give me that old-timey "nanny state!" ;-) You see, as much as we Americans don't like to bathe, live in houses or pay our taxes (Libertarians! Republicans at least bathe!), when the corporate elites start down-sizing and sending our work to China, guess what, unemployment benefits actually keep the economy even running!

So, no, conservatives, your answer only produces societal squalor. The economy actually did MUCH better under Clinton, remember?


Love in Jesus Christ,
Rob J. King, for a healthy, wealthy Federal Reserve (let the Libertarians hunt deer for their food and move to Montana, but please don't let Ron Paul run the country!)

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