Monday, November 5, 2007

Jews, Gentiles and the NEXT CHRISTENDOM

Time is shaping our events in unexpected ways.

On the left coast, our original names of Spanish Catholic cities (Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego) are now largely a by-product of a culture long since vanished.

On the east coast, the puritan settlement that was the original northeast has become unitarian universalist at best, hedonistic welfare recipients at worst.

But, in the 'heartland' (places like S. Dakota, Indiana, North Carolina, and Lousiania), Christianity is 'alive and well.' Interestingly, it is the heartland, not the left coast nor the upper northeast, that elects Presidents. Baptists, Catholics, mormons, Jews (practicing) and other secular supporters of Christendom are the ones who put the President in office.

So, in union with these 60% of Americans, I now call upon the Name Jesus Christ to elect whom HE desires to see in the Oval Office.

Blessings & LOVE in JESUS CHRIST,
Rob J. King

1 comment:

Jwallace said...


Yes, it is so hard to find a politician that will do the WILL of GOD. So, yes lets turn to Him and seek His will.