Monday, December 31, 2007

Selling Out America . . .

I recently read (Academic Questions journal, Summer 2007, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 177 - 210) a fantastic article on the state of college education. The article in question was about Duke University (my master's degree, M.Div. & Th.M. Alma Mater . . .) and how the school is seeking to shift from an entirely 'leftist' post-modern university faculty to a more 'varied political spectrum' of beliefs and course offerings.

From the 1990's debacle with postmodernist literary critic Stanley Fish (who eventually had to leave Duke to take an administrative position at a state university in the Midwest . . ) to the smorgasbord approach of endless 'choice' among course offerings that lack any sort of conceptual core identity, the author, (Princeton Politics Professor) Russell Nieli, well articulates the problems with not only the elite educational institutions of the U.S.A., but also U.S. Higher Education in general.

Whereas the general population in the U.S. is more highly represented by registered Republicans, the university produces professor after professor (and grad students . . .) who are so leftist in thought that many border on Marxism!!!

Similarly, Duke, in seeking to make a name for itself, like the Lacrosse debacle, had been left with 'egg on its collective face' as the post-modern turn in scholarship has largely been refuted on the grounds of secular rationality alone.

From small liberal arts colleges (e.g. Bethel College, denominational school of the missionary church, Indiana) to large 'for-profit' national university systems (i.e. University of Phoenix and its subsidiaries), the focus on a 'core curriculum' for all majors is a commonplace in 2007 - 2008. From Critical Thinking courses as required for all undergraduates to a focus on secular reason as the basis of the university itself (e.g. St. Petersburg College where I currently teach Ethics), the return to good old-fashioned secular reason (complete with emphasizing fallacious thought!) is returning to America.

But, whereas the appeal to secular reason seems like an intrinsic good, sadly, as the Nieli article states (but never analyzes due to a different scope from the author), much of U.S. Higher Education remains conceptually incoherent!

One can simply sign up for classes (at Duke) and never have to grapple with areas of thought that make one feel the slightest bit uncomfortable. Just like one can go to the West Campus dining facilities and order a 'soup in a breadbowl' (Duke's speciality food, or at least it was in 1994 - 1997 when I served as a Resident Advisor and Area Coordinator at Duke), one can also sign up for whatever highly eclectic curricula that suits one's fancy.

University of Phoenix is the paramount 'marketer' of Higher Education, but as Nieli rightly argues so has Duke struggled to overcome the conceptual incoherence that such 'freedom of unlimited choice' produces.

Whereas at Davidson College (B.A., class of 1994) I was 'forced' (how authoritarian!) to take a freshman level composition course, two religion courses, and courses ranging from history to a concentration in the social sciences, at Duke, it is the 'individual' (not the community . . .) who reigns supreme. Similarly (something that is again outside of the scope of Nieli's research), whereas the Davidson College communal emphasis came complete with MORAL FORMATION in the form of a vigorously enforced Honor Code (automatic expulsion from the college for lying, stealing or cheating!) and a strong emphasis on community service, the 'Duke experience' is simply 'capitalism writ large' with an endless variety of 'choice' that ends up, in the end, producing no choice! One can take the easiest courses (great for the frat boy and sorority girl crowd at Duke who start drinking on Thursday nights . . .) OR simply remain comfortably isolated in whatever intellectual enclave that one chooses and thus can never be challenged to re-think one's perspective.

Again, Duke is not alone, but is simply an example of how U.S. Higher Education, in attempting to increase its 'market share' will end up pandering to whatever cultural or political perspective that will gain it acclaim.

So, there you have it. As a lifetime Duke fan (basketball, and EXCELLENCE in education), I therefore agree with Nieli that even the nation's elite universities have not escaped the Pandora's box of 'unlimited choice' that marks the 21st century capitalist era.

Blessings in Jesus Christ,
Rob J. King, Democrat and Christian Traditionalist

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Connections, How we are the BODY of Jesus Christ . . .

The other day as I was looking at Facebook (political networking to support a Jesus Christ Progressive Cause!), I looked at the Fuller Theological Seminary network (I have a close friend who just received her M.Div. from Fuller).

Anyways, I saw this guy from Fuller named Rhett Smith who I had actually PARTIED WITH down in Guatemala! (well, you know how 'Evangelicos' PARTY, basically shared a beer or two, and then went home to sleep!). Anyways, it turns out that Rhett Smith has his own 'fan club' and is doing the Third Day/Michael W. Smith type of mass Evangelical marketing. Pretty cool, especially since he is a nice guy, and a strong believer in Christ . . .

Then just today, on facebook, as I was trying to get 'linked in' to the world famous Davidson College alumni network (I did after all party a little with Senator Strom Thurmond's son while at Davidson . . . Strom Jr. was an SAE and I was a Kappa Sig, but drank the same type of 'frat boy beer . . .')

But, although political networking does exist (inside and outside of the Church!) and for a variety of reasons (economic support, missionary work, etc.), WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE between political alliances and TRUE CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY?

Well, A LOT!

I can and have worked politically with a family from an Islamic background (even joked that my friend Alen run for Senator some day given his panache for maintaining a good, safe community . . . not to mention his NBA type 3 point jump shot :-)

I am also friends with a Progressive named Chad who is similarly a great guy with whom I can profitably work.

I have been hugged (literally!) by Senator Patrick Leahy (due to shared concerns with the illegitimacy of the Military Commissions Act of 2006--aka the 'Torture Bill . . .')

I have almost bumped into Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia (6 inches from him at a cocktail party in Portland, OR).

BUT, given such political networking, how is this different?

WELL, the Body of Jesus Christ has as the primary function (not exclusive function, but PRIMARY) of world salvation. I can play basketball and network with someone from an Islamic background, but I also shared Jesus with him! Similarly, I can work with secularists, but always also for their eternal salvation ONLY known in Jesus Christ (Acts of the Apostles 4:12).

Do I do this duplicitiously?

Well, of course! ;-)

I want to be the 'Jesus-bait' that then reels them in . . .

I do, however, let the politics 'be politics' and let the eternal salvation 'be about Jesus Christ' (interestingly, contra Catholic Liberation Theology that distorts the Gospel message by mixing in elements of Marxism). To talk of a 'just wage' is fine and agreed upon in Progressive political circles. If this is all someone wants to discuss fine. If they want to know Jesus Christ as their Personal LORD and Savior, ALL the better!

So, friends, if you want to know Jesus Christ as your personal LORD and Savior, then just send me an e-mail and we'll chat!

If you only want to worry about food distribution, cost of labor, etc., then you may also send me an e-mail and we will chat.

Who knows, I could send you in the direction of someone with whom you could work in the future. I followed a high school friend to Davidson College, but brought five other classmates with me! Similarly, I followed three friends from Davidson, N.C. to Duke University Divinity School, but then a couple of more since followed (one is Jason Byassee, my former Resident Advisor whom I supervised--he's now assistant editor of the Christian Century!).

Just send me an e-mail and we'll chat.

Love always in Christ Jesus the LORD and SAVIOR of ALL who call on His Name,
Rob J. King

Friday, December 28, 2007

The God I BELIEVE IN . . .

"Well, the GOD I believe in isn't short of cash . . ."

--Bono, lead singer of U2

I just posted a comment on ABC News. The online article was concerning the 'Prosperity Gospel.'

Normally I defend the Biblical practice of 'seed offerings' and in MANY cases, this is exactly what the Bible asks of us! The Levitical Priesthood was literally SUPPORTED only by the 10% offering of the Hebrew community.

Similarly, the Patriarch Abraham tithed 10% of his income to the LORD when he met the Priest-King Melchizedek (the order of priesthood that Christ Jesus was born into).

To give is to be Christian.

Sadly, however, as Bono rightly reminds us, OUR GOD is NEVER short of cash. NEED a MIRACLE, then LOOK OUT! Food, clothing and yes, even cash when needed IS GIVEN, but by the LORD'S WILL, not by human manipulation.

Well, here's my comment . . .

I am a Professor of Ethics, a former Methodist pastor . . . As someone who is a member of the Charismatic movement, who speaks in tongues, tithes his income, and even gives seed offerings, sadly, I am in agreement with this critique of the Prosperity Gospel. Jesus Christ Himself in the Beatitudes (Luke's Gospel) said that 'Blessed are the poor . . .' Jesus Christ ALSO said, "it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God . . .' Therefore, the Prosperity Gospel is directly contradicting the words of Jesus Christ, the Incarnate LOGOS, and therefore in grave doctrinal error. God does not act the way many in the Prosperity Gospel want to coopt God into acting!

Love in Jesus Christ,
Rob J. King

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Food, Peace-keeping & American Ingenuity . . .

"Sanctity is made up of heroic acts. Therefore, in our work we are asked for the heroism of finishing properly the tasks committed to us, day after day, even though they are the same tasks."

--Saint Josemaria Escriva, founder of OPUS DEI

I am ever impressed by the humanitarian emphasis of the U.S. Whereas other nations rape and pillage, when we 'go to war' we do not seek to conquer, only to destabilize a region into them not attacking. This is more or less a 'just-war' from Christian standards, but Christian just-war doctrine prohibits the George W. Bush/Dickie Cheney style 'regime change' emphasis of 'first-strike.'

What impresses me more about the American people (something also noted by Bono, lead singer of the rock group U2) is our propensity to give.

When we people are in need, it is the U.S. (along with Great Britain, Australia, etc.) who actually donate time and money. It is NOT India with its unofficial caste system. It is NOT communist China. No, it is the good old United States of America.

Could it have something to do with our nation's Christian heritage?

Well, the answer is of course YES! Whether it was Asuza Street Pentecostal Revival at the turn of the 20th century out in Los Angeles, California, or whether it was the early Revival frontier religion, or whether it is now the Anointed Preaching and outreach to the poor of Rod Parsley a man who commits his life to setting prisoners free in the Sudan while also feeding the working poor in Ohio, we are a Christian People. And ONLY as a Christian People do we serve others. When India becomes our 'economic partner' what we have is evil corporate 'out-sourcing' to corrupt telemarketers in Bombay who lie, steal and cheat and undercut our wage structure. When we buy too many items from China (usually out of necessity since our bankers and CEO's hoard the cash!), then we are sending our hard-earned U.S. dollars to the communist megalith called Chinese imperialism.

Well, friends, if we do not want to see people starving Sudanese-style in the streets of Los Angeles or South Bend, Indiana, THEN we must COLLECTIVELY return to Jesus Christ!

Love always in Jesus Christ,
Rob J. King, concerned U.S. Citizen for a better future

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The poor, how they are 'poor' and what JESUS says

I recently read about a GREAT academic conference to be held at Baylor University (a friend of mine studies Theology there . . .) focusing on "Global Poverty."

This particular mission is at the heart of God and therefore at the heart of ALL that I do, write, speak on, etc.

I was blessed to speak on this topic a couple of times at Bethel College (for an Evangelical Progressive "Tony-Campolo" type of Sociology Professor . . .), and within this research, the emphases of much multi-national corporate market-based business seems to be grossly out of touch with the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

The Gospel of Jesus Christ does, in fact, say, "Blessed are the poor . . ." and that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man (or woman) to enter the Kingdom of God!

Friends, I don't know about you, but this scares me!!!

We live in the land of plenty. Our harvests are plentiful. Our food is cheap. We import low-cost items from China and other nations.

We are a prosperous people.

But, sadly, our prosperity many times is propped up by unjust living, sanitation and working conditions throughout the so-called 'Third World . . .'

The age old question of 'poverty' is that it is a curse (Jesus did say that the poor are blessed, which does not contradict this, but instead reframes the equation by showing how the poor in Jesus Christ are truly filled with HOPE, JOY and PEACE!).

The other answer (the marxist answer) is that capitalism itself exploits people and so they are poor.

Although exploitation does in fact occur, why is it that some grow up in horrific conditions, but through becoming Christians are elevated out of poverty?

The answer is of course the Holy Spirit and the PEOPLE who are birthed by the NEW COMMUNITY in Jesus Christ.

This New People in Jesus Christ are there to support and encourage. This New People in Jesus Christ are there to even lend an economic hand when others turn away.

So, friends, if you would like to see a Pro-Life, CHRISTIAN Republic, please support me in whatever ways that the Holy Spirit specifically tells you . . .

Love always in Jesus Christ,
Rob J. King

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Staying Afloat in the New America


We live in trying economic times!

I have this old, old photo (black & white) of my Grandpa King and my Grandma King. These two genteel southerners were blessed by having ten children.

Sadly, this was also the time of the Great Depression. So, similar to the TV show "The Waltons," the KING FAMILY learned to make ends meet.

The end result was a burgeoning blessed family.

Today, in 2007 - 2008, we do not QUITE live in a Depression Era, BUT, the economic prosperity that ONCE marked the U.S. is now gone.

2003 we invaded Iraq, rather than being content with our current use of Air Power and 'no fly zones.'

The end result is that our collective tax burden sky-rocketed while crooks in the military (to include civilian contractors!) have literally stolen much of our tax money!

Dick Cheney is obviously one of the chief architects behind this fiasco, and thus I stand FIRM with Senate Judiciary Chair, Patrick Leahy in calling for fiscal accountability of the War in Iraq.

But while the crooks prosper, children go without health insurance. But while the crooks prosper, women are left with little choice but to go without health care (pre and post natal . . .). But while the crooks prosper, hard working men (such as myself!) have to scrape together pennies to eat (university teaching usually pays LESS than the High School system . . .). But while the crooks prosper, Army reserve units have to make do with old, Vietnam era equipment to train with.

So, there you have it. Due to negligence (fiscal negligence by Dickie Cheney and crew!) we are now the capitalist equivalent of old, post-perestroika Russia! Roads go unfixed (South Bend, Indiana!). Dillapidated houses sit abandoned (ANY U.S. inner city) and the 'vaccuum' in leadership is filled with corruption, whether it is the corrupt politician OR the inner city drug lords . . .

BUT, there is a chance. Democracy still lives.

For a different voice, try Jesus Christ!

That's who calls all of MY shots, not some banker with a fat wad of cash to give out like lollipops to his puppet politicians . . .

Love in Jesus Christ THE KING of kings and THE LORD of lords,
Rob J. King

Friday, December 21, 2007

The Empirical Verification of Catholic Thought


The 'doubting Thomas' side of me always wants 'proof' . . .

Perhaps this is why many of my closest friends (similar to Henri Nouwen, great Catholic spiritual writer) have always been 'secular.'

I am a Christian and I believe the core tenets of the Catholic Faith (as contained in the Catechism of the Catholic Church). I am also a Charismatic.

But, although I believe much of what cannot be seen with the 'eye' I nonetheless am always looking for 'empirical verification' of Christian Doctrine.

For example, one of the Finalists for Time magazine's "Man of the Year" is Professor Randy Jirtle, a microbiological researcher at Duke University. While leading a small group Introduction to Christian Thought, Professor Jirtle and I quickly became close friends (for the 1999 - 2000 year), and I was simply amazed at how his research verified at the microbiological level central tenets of Christian Doctrine.

Another example is the Catholic Teaching concerning 'Just-War.'

Although it seems like the 'Democrat' position to oppose the War in Iraq, my own intellectual sources are Christian that just happen to (nicely!) add up to the de facto Democrat position as well.

Well, here it is:

Just War in Afghanistan = 70% of Afghan citizens actually support (rather than oppose) American military forces in their country!

UN-JUST WAR in IRAQ (first strike is not a 'just war' since it fails in the jus ad bellum principle of 'war for defense only') = 21% of IRAQ citizens support the presence of American military forces in Iraq!!!

70% versus 21% (source for statistics = The Economist, Dec. 15 - 21, 2007, p. 31)

Hmmm . . .

Are you listening "Dubya"?

Are you listening "Dickie"? (Cheney)

The late Pope John Paul II WARNED you NOT to invade Iraq.

Now, only 21% of Iraq citizens want our troops there.

As a "career military family" (The King house produced VETS in WW II, Korea and Vietnam to include my Father, Chief Damage Controlman, Robert Lewis King!), we KINGS ONLY fight if it is the RIGHT and ONLY option.

My father opposed war in principle, and so joined the Coast Guard.

Now my Father would never 'spare the rod and spoil the child' and so he obviously believed in a FIRM hand, BUT, WAR is for DEFENSE only! Whether it was old German U-boats or cleaning up the mess of an ill-conceived Vietnam war, the KING HOUSE rose to the occasion (similar to the John McCain Family . . .), BUT, we do not condone violence, nor do we invade other's sovereignty 'pre-emptively' . . .

By the way, my dear old dad (in heaven now with Jesus Christ!) was a blood-bought believer in Jesus Christ, a missionary Baptist.

Love in Jesus Christ,
Rob King 2008 (undeclared)

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Holiness of the Every Day

Today is the only 'today' that I will ever have!

Tomorrow I will literally be one step closer to the grave (if I don't accidentally 'kick the bucket' tonight by stepping in front of an on-coming bus!!!).

Yesterday is already logged into the computer banks of what has now become my new On-Line existence.

Careful what you 'say' in 'cyber-space' . . .

The F.B.I. might track you, find some 'cookie' linking you to Al Qaida, and if you happen to tick off Dick Cheney, you might just have a police file!

After all, such was the case for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Apparently, even King's wife was still tracked by the F.B.I. following her husband's assassination.

But, all of that is 'yesterday,' correct?

Well . . . no.

Today it is the 'same story' but with a 'different cast of characters . . .'

Racism still exists (just look at the I.R.S. Investigations of Wesley Snipes and Creflow Dollar), yet 'racism' does not seem to be the 'issue of the day . . .'

Instead of racism, military corruption seems to make the front-covers!

Debt escalating out of control and so what did the Bush Administration decide to do (probably just ole Dick Cheney at it again!)???

The Bush Administration decides to build a palace in the middle of the desert! Let's build the 'Death Star' of a U.S. Embassy inside of the Green Zone, and then when Christians in Iraq flee to the north to live among the Kurds, let us just support further Islamic persecution of supposed 'Kurdish separtists' at the hands of the Turks . . .

The 'Crusades' are still alive and well, but what does the Bush Administration do? He sides with the Turks rather than with the Catholics!

Well, as for this Catholic, I am joining my good friend Patrick Leahy on the 'Left' side of the Political Spectrum.

Let us question war-time folly, profit-mongering ('blood for oil' . . .) and all of the bad that has happened since 2003 . . .

Let us gain the confidence of the American people. Truck drivers. School teachers. Nurses. Professors.


Love in Jesus Christ,
Rob J. King, Patriot for a BETTER AMERICA

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Debt, the I.R.S., the U.S. Military and why the U.S. is 'up for grabs'

Currently the U.S. debt stands (apparently) at some $10 trillion.

In steps Ron Paul, who wants to abolish the I.R.S., the only fair and economically-sensitive type of taxation (i.e. 'flat-taxes' favor the wealthy because food, utilities, etc. comprise a much higher % of income for lower wage earners . . .).

If Ron Paul were elected President, we would have a fiscal nightmare just waiting to happen. Already our debt is ballooning out of control, and now someone like Ron Paul wants to shrink, rather than expand the tax base!

If a Republican gets elected, we should also expect more of the same. Wars that are thrown upon the 20 and 30 year olds of the U.S. Debt increasing due to our retirees. I.R.S. not having enough money coming in due to Neoconservative "Bush-style" tax cuts that seem appealing at first (every child wants instant gratification!), but when applied at the macro level prove disastrous for the running of a free society.

But, if the wrong Democrat gets elected (Hillary, Barack or even John Edwards), we should expect a down-sizing of military forces that looks 'good on paper' (base closings, etc.), but would compromise national security.

My own 'Plan for Renewal' (neither liberal nor conservative, but a Tony Campolo-style Jesus Ethic of Progressive Christianity) would be:

* down-sizing of U.S. military force in Iraq to 10% of current troop levels while consolidating the remaining troops safely inside of the Green Zone only. The Iraqi government would self-govern (and be forced to avoid sectarian violence in a 'sink or swim' model . . .).

* maintaining current U.S. Troop levels in Afghanistan in order to counter Radical Islam.

* Peace talks immediately to be held with all Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish leaders inside of the Green Zone with top level security (including screening of all personnel with electronic bomb and metal detection devices).

* Safe-guarding of American interests by down-sizing only what is in physical danger (troops in remote areas), while increasing use of Air Power.

Sadly, however, from the 'crazy' Ron Paul who wants to abolish the I.R.S. to the somewhat gestapo-like Giuliani to Barack, Hillary and Edwards who would 'gut' our military of needed finance, we are left with little option.

I am a Democrat. I am a Just-War Thinker (wars of defense only in accord with historic Christian Teaching as contained in the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas). I am fiscally aware.

VOTE Rob King '08 (undeclared, but testing the waters . . .)

Friday, December 14, 2007

Academia, Profit-margins and why America has lost its edge . . .

Today I was thumbing through an issue of The Economist. I was immediately struck by the number of advertisements in this fine periodical, but especially struck by the number of European-based Academic fellowships offered.

Sadly, due to an increasing 'commericalization' of our society (everything from Hallmark greeting cards dictating which secular 'holiday' we should celebrate to even education becoming nothing but a 'meat market' . . .), higher education in the United States is over as we know it.

Here are some startling true to life snippets:

* One university (for-profit) that I know of actually is run by a C.E.O. (who ever heard of a "C.E.O." of a university???) who literally only has a BACHELOR's degree (and from some school like Illinois State . . .).

* Other "On-Line" universities (usually corporations that are 'for-profit') are literally only in existence to pad the pockets of so-called 'enrollment counselors' who in actuality are nothing other than slightly better paid telemarketers . . .

* With the advent of Internet curricula, one can literally enroll in these 'On-Line' courses, take out your Federal Student Loan and Pell Grant money and then proceed through an A.A., a B.A., an M.A. and even a Ph.D. all without ever even seeing a 'live' instructor, financial aid officer, dean, etc.

* One university (the one with the bachelor's degree C.E.O.) has as their chief academic officer a nurse who only has an Ed.D. Granted an Ed.D. is fine for the public school system (elementary school, middle school and high school), but to be the 'chief academic officer' at a university is utterly ridiculous

So, while the Euro continues to out-pace the dollar, while Latin America and Africa 'play catch-up' economically, our nation will continue to sink. Dumb, credit card debtors, and with phony On-Line degrees . . . WELCOME TO THE FUTURE U.S.A.

For a different voice, someone who wishes to uphold rigorous academic and professional standards, and someone who can LEAD America out of this quagmire, please be in contact (Rob King, M.Div., Th.M., Ph.D. ABD* at . . .)

I will offer the American people the very best of scholarship, fiscal responsibility, just wages for just work, and a call for economic justice for ALL hard-working Americans (not just slick telemarketers who lie to the American public!!!)

Love in Jesus Christ,
Rob King, Democrat

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Whistle-blowers, You-Tube and the New American Election

Friends, I just received in the mail yesterday my "official" change of Party designation (and change of address) Voter's I.D. card for the State of Florida! It reads . . . "DEMOCRAT"

So, why did I go the direction of the Democratic Party?

The answer ranges from concern for the poor, promoting a sustainable living wage, concern about racism in the G.O.P. to, sadly, and most of all, my personal experience with and increasing knowledge of MILITARY CORRUPTION!

I have seen Military Officers who have almost been forced out for a variety of illegal reasons, I have 'wondered' about Government cover-up in everything ranging from the Pat Tillman fratricide case (shot by his own fellow soldiers . . .) to now, today, I have learned of billions of dollars that have been 'lost' somehow in the reconstruction efforts to re-build Iraq. PLEASE READ THIS LINK!!! (PLEASE CLICK).

I have even gone so far as to write Senate Judiciary Chair, Patrick Leahy to inform him about the abuse and cover-up that I have personally witnessed.

But, the 'power' of the corrupt is still ever-difficult to 'track.'

For every whistle-blower there are behind the scenes maneuvers, likely shredding of documents and an attempt to eradicate anyone and everyone who stands and FIGHTS for Constitutional LIBERTY! It is for this reason that, although Ron Paul cannot make a good President, really, the only options left at this point politically are the libertarians who stay loyal to the Constitution and the Democratic Party as led by Senator Leahy . . .

Friends, won't you join this new move politically?

All that I ask is that you STAND FIRM for TRUTH.

If you want to support, just send me an e-mail at

Evil can only advance when GOOD does nothing. Please do not let this happen!

Love in Jesus Christ,
Rob King, Father, Scholar, Friend of ALL and LOVE of Jesus Christ, KING of kings, and LORD of lords

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Michael Vick, Abortion, 'Planned Parenthood' and Racist America . . .

I just read a commentary by some white guy in the Tampa Bay area (Tampa Bay Times, free periodical . . .) who utterly berated Michael Vick calling not only for his imprisonment, but indirectly saying that now he'll never amount to anything!

This is just plain racism!

The judge rightly upheld societal law concerning cruelty to animals. But, in doing so, as a Professor of Applied Ethics, someone who is deeply indebted to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. for questioning injustice, I nonetheless am left wondering about the incongruities of the 2007 U.S. Judicial System.

Roe v. Wade created a supposed 'right' (something unfounded in 1600 years of previous Christian Western history!) to kill one's baby in utero.

Granted, the Supreme Court, as led by three Catholic and one Black Christian Justice (Scalia, Roberts, Alito and Thomas) recently over-turned part of 'abortion law' by declaring that partial-birth abortions are now illegal, but as ads for first trimester abortions published by Planned Parenthood demonstrate, the assault upon life in the U.S. is still well felt.

This, my friends, is neither a Democrat nor a Republican issue! Candidate for President Rudy Giuliani (a man who scares me due to his Draconian police focus) is pro-abortion, but a Republican. I, however, have been a Democrat from 1990 - 2004 and now again a Democrat in 2007 and I am firmly Pro-Life as part of Catholic Christian Teaching on Right to Life issues (not to mention the Constitutional protection of life that Roe v. Wade had over-ridden).

So, there you have it.

American hypocrisy yet again shown.

One can be a white mommy and kill one's baby (unique D.N.A., heartbeat, brainwaves of the baby), but for being black skinned, just for engaging in dog fighting (again, this is horrific and cruelty to animals), Michael Vick gets the hammer.

Well, my friends, if elected President, I would give Michael Vick a pardon, but on the condition that he spend 10 hours a week for two years in community service at a local animal shelter!

As for Abortion, I will seek to reinstate historic Christian Teaching as enshrined in LAW (1700's - 1973) in over-turning Roe v. Wade as both anti-Christian and un-Constitutional on both Christian Theological & Ethical grounds and on the grounds of secular rationality!

Blessings in Jesus Christ,
Rob King

Monday, December 10, 2007

Politics, G.O.P. and the New Liberal Christian Era

Friends, Tony Campolo, renowed Evangelist and Professor of Sociology, has the "true" view of how Christian Theology and U.S. Politics intersect.

Interestingly enough, this perspective is the LIBERAL political perspective! Campolo, unlike Pro-Abortion Giuliani (G.O.P.), is staunchly Pro-Life, does not support homosexual 'special rights' (unlike the G.O.P.'s current leadership), and is quite LIBERAL in views ranging from racism to economic justice!

Also, just as Bernice King (daughter of M.L. King, Jr.) as a committed Christian Leader (similarly not affirming of special interest groups promoting the 'gay lifestyle') is also as staunch of a Liberal politically as you will find!

So, also I, as a Democrat from 1990 - 2004, and now a Democrat again in 2007 - , will always be 'liberal' not 'in spite of being a Christian,' but BECAUSE I am a Christian!

Whether it is the Economic Justice of the Gospel (give to the poor, tithe 10% of your income, etc.) or racial justice (ALL are ONE in Christ Jesus regardless of race, gender or language) so also will the rational embodiment of the Gospel lead to LIBERAL, rather than 'conservative' political views (views such as abortion, gay rights and physician-assisted suicide are simply immoral, not necessarily political, although the evil part of the left side of politics wants it defined that way!).

No, in the King tradition (M.L. King, Jr., and Rob King ;-), TRUE LIBERALISM is rooted in Jesus Christ.

Love in Jesus Christ,
Rob King, Democrat for Christ

Friday, December 7, 2007

Why Ron Paul must LOSE!


We live in dire times. Food banks are increasingly common. People in places like L.A. or St. Petersburg are becoming literal nomads in our formerly prosperous land, living under interstate overpasses, sleeping on the sidewalk in front of churches. One man I saw was literally digging through trash cans for items to shove into his shopping cart.

Well, if we ever had a direct biological or nuclear attack on our infrastructure, we would be in grave danger. National guard units deployed to Iraq. Army Reservists called up to Active Duty. Police Officers already strained to the max enforcing supposed 'immigration laws' that are nothing but anti-Hispanic pandemonium (caused by the secular right of Romney, Giuliani, et al . . . NOT the Religious Right, the SECULAR RIGHT!).

But in steps Ron Paul to supposedly "save the day . . ."

Will he now?

I do not think so.

The Libertarian Political Philosophy although to be admired for its staunch protection of Constitutional Freedoms and non-interventionist approaches to use of military dollars, men, women and arms, is nonetheless fatally flawed as an economic approach to government.

Take this one ill-advised Republican proposal of Senator John Sununu (New Hampshire). Senator Sununu, espousing the typical bourgeois, non-assistance approach to financial domination by free-market principles wants to cut Amtrak train subsidies by 10 billion dollars.

In theory, this Right Political move (saving money!) sounds GREAT! But, alas, like many good ideas, when in theory the work seems sound, the practice is horrific.

Does not Senator Sununu remember 9/11?

Everyone, including myself in travelling to a friend's wedding in Washington, D.C. was literally forced to ride the train!

I was even interviewed on television less than two weeks after 9/11 by a Washington, D.C. area news reporter who asked me about my fears, concerns, etc. with travel after 9/11 . . . The sight of the TV interview? You guessed it. An Amtrak train station!

So, if you want to see bankers run the country while they charge usurous interests rates and then have Libertarians and other Republicans stripping our nation of vital resources, especially back-up infrastructure, then jump aboard the Ringling Brothers Circus of a Campaign called Ron Paul for Prez.

If you want someone who is actually SMARTER than Federal reserve chairperson, Ben Bernanke (himself, a former Chair of the Economics Department at Princeton, but notoriously stupid nonetheless!), then please VOTE DUKE!

Duke University (two master's degrees!) is the only coalition of Religious Freedom, Human Rights Protection and Evangelical and Catholic demographics that can save our nation. Liberals do well at Duke as do 'conservatives.' But most of all, Duke produces the finest, most brilliant minds in the world, minds such as Professor Randy Jirtle, a candidate for Time magazine's "Man of the Year," due to his research in micro-biology.


Love in Jesus Christ,
Rob J. King, concerned Democrat Christian (undeclared still . . .)

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Too much to do . . .

Have you ever 'taken on' more than you should?

During my second year of Divinity School, I literally almost lost my mind . . .

I was dating someone full-time, I was a Master's of Divinity student struggling through Hebrew (with a Semitics Ph.D. student in the class who busted our class 'curve' . . .), I was a Resident Advisor of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity, an Area Coordinator over TWO sections of dormitories (a law student freaked out and dropped her section!), a club football player for Duke (post undergrad 1-AA player who teamed up with a Furman University Linebacker . . .), and finally a Youth Minister at Duke University Chapel while also serving as Editor of The Between Times Divinity Student newspaper . . .

Needless to say, I had 'taken on' more than I should . . .

But, somehow, through the Grace of God, I, armed with my brand-new MacIntosh Apple computer word-processed my way through that year, and eventually finished with a 3.6 GPA having taken advanced seminars in Kant, Barth and Systematic Theology (alongside of Ph.D. students from Duke's Department of Religion who utilized academic philosophical words such as eudaimonia which I had to always run to a dictionary to look up! :-)

But then, my life got EVEN BUSIER!

I served as a Methodist Pastor over two churches in the outer Charlotte Interstate beltway area, resisted the urge to EVER become a 'seeker-friendly' watered-down church (instead, I chose, High Church LITURGICAL EVANGELICALISM just like John Wesley, Methodism's founder . . .), played softball 'with the boys' (TWO men's church league teams), wrote article upon article to various Christian newspapers, including some Pro-Life Writing, and then eventually went back to the Academic World of Th.M. studies, then Ph.D. studies, all with some of the top Theologians and Ethicists in the World! This was after all Duke and Notre Dame we are talking about!

But now, as I enter a more mature season of life (complete with grey hair on my sideburns!), I realize that as Thomas Merton put it, "No Man is an Island . . ." I need help!

Please support this grass-roots POLITICAL CAUSE . . .

I am undeclared at this point, but TIME IS RUNNING OUT!

Ron Paul would run our country into the ground, making it something out of the 19th century. Giuliani just scares me! Hillary and Obama, well, no comment (other than I am much smarter than him and would want Condoleeza Rice over EITHER of them because she's so darn smart, being the former Provost of Stanford).


Love in Jesus Christ,
Rob J. King, committed Christian Father of two

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Ron Paul and the WORST possible politics for the U.S. . . .

I recently learned from an 'inside source' in the Ron Paul campaign (grass-roots) how the Ron Paul campaign actually has the audacity to have its volunteer staff 'self-fund' things like bumper stickers, campaign placards, etc.

When I heard this news, I kept my mouth closed quite shut, but inwardly a rage welled up inside of me . . .

Just like places such as the University of Phoenix-Online (former employer), now the U.S. Post Office (another "inside source") and it seems likely the military even, such "out-sourcing" of expenses seems to be "all the rage" in our POST-REPUBLICAN ERA FINANCIAL MELT-DOWN!

From utility companies to pay phones being ripped out of storefronts it seems like the move towards 'privatization' has left a GAPING HOLE in the U.S. domestic economy!

Whether it is the University of Phoenix-Online expecting its professors to 'front the bill' for their own computer access or the military similarly expecting Reserve soldiers to 'pay for their own mass transit' to show up for drill duty (TRUE STORY and against ARMY REGS apparently!!!), this 'privatized society' is a colossal nightmare and a looming ECONOMIC DISASTER WAITING TO HAPPEN!!!

Well, friends, whether it is the Public Library system (where my Mom supplemented my Catholic parochial school education with regular trips to check out books in order to learn how to READ!) or whether it is our Parks & Services (now often a place where only the homeless camp out indefinitely due to no Government oversight other than to arrest these poor folks . . .) it seems like the days of the American "Commonwealth" are OVER . . . OR, if the Democrats can have a TEN YEAR REIGN over the polluting, wealth-at-all-costs Republikaaners (left of center Christian democracy is my own affiliation!!!) then MAYBE our nation can be saved fiscally . . .

So, if you want to be shelling out your own hard earned dollars for your own light poles, manhole covers, running water, electricity and food because Armageddon has just arrived and the Ron Paul-ites have taken over with their "back-stabbing don't pay tax to support your fellow man" rogue political philosophy ("good in theory, but without taxes, we don't have public utilities anymore . . ."), then cast a vote for the libertarians . . .

OR, if you want a Pro-life, but corporate slut known as Republicanism, vote Romney.

BUT, if you want a TRUE grass-roots candidate, then get the ball rolling. My rich friends from Duke will actually PAY for the bumper stickers so that you don't have to . . .

Love in Jesus Christ,
Rob J. King, Christian Radical politician and wanna-be scholar who still needs to finish a dissertation! ;-)

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Say, are you a Democrat?

I just tried to add Democrat Howard Dean to my list of On-Line "Facebook" friends.

Seeing as how the G.O.P. is not responding very well to its Christian constituency, I figured, why not? Let me just find some good Jimmy Carter Evangelical and Catholic Democrats and then see which way the proverbial 'cookie crumbles.'

I already found one such 'friend' in University of Phoenix alumnus Chad Lupkes, a faithful Father and husband, a true "family values" type guy.

I also have a close friend (big fan of Howard Dean) who is this big Southern Baptist guy who went to Harvard for his master's degree (Duke is better obviously!) and who is similarly 'Democrat through and through . . .'

Finally, my Dad, although fairly apolitical (we are a career military family, but I was a 'dependant' of a military retired man obviously) was nonetheless a life-long Democrat (who similarly eventually voted for Bush over the Christian issues that his Pentecostal preacher made him more aware of . . .).

So, although I definitely view abortion as one of the greatest moral evils to ever exist, my hope and prayer in Jesus Christ's Name is that bit by bit that side of the Democrat family tree will eventually utilize good old rational secular thought and see how the biological details of babies in utero compel us as a People to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Let's pray for the future. From abortion to unjust wars to medicaid to homelessness protection, perhaps the Democrats are ready for good Jimmy Carter fans to return to the political fold.

Blessings in Jesus Christ,
Rob J. King, Christian Politician

Monday, December 3, 2007

LAW, unjust 'law' and the Eternal Law

In Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s now famous "Letter from a Birmingham Jail" (written on scrap paper after being arrested by a Birmingham police officer for having the audacity to 'parade without a permit,' which is a violation of the Constitutional right to free assembly!), Dr. King describes the difference between TRUE law and false law.

True LAW (according to Dr. King) is only the LAW that is in accord with the Divine Law (as cited by Dr. King according to the medieval Catholic scholastic distinction of St. Thomas Aquinas).

False law is that which is not in accord with the DIVINE LAW!

So, what does this mean?

Should we stop paying our taxes just because we feel like it? (or happen to be a Ron Paul supporter!)

Should we ignore societal law?

Which laws should be obeyed? Which laws should be ignored?

Am I free to wander across the street while cars are rushing on, claiming that the yellow caution light is not 'in accord with the eternal law'?

Well, no.

The Eternal Law is the Law of God. The Natural law of creation (for example, males mating with females in each of the animal species) and the Eternal law is that which has been handed down to us from Sinai . . .

Yes, there are Ten Commandments that, at one point, were the basis of Western law itself (not now it seems in the U.S.) as well as the rest of the Torah, that Jewish moral code that similarly prohibited everything from perjury to not allowing interest on loans to accrue past a period of seven years.

Is it not striking that even our beloved 'credit reports' are wiped clean every seven years?

The source of this practice is of course the Jews!

It was the Jews (not the Gentiles, like you & I) who started the practice of debt cancellation.

But, the society founded by the Jews, Christendom is now in decline . . .

Maybe a new President, someone who actually likes the Jewish people and doesn't just pay lip service to Israeli-U.S. relations, will actually take center stage.

As for me and my house, give me that old time Jewish religion, complete with Bankruptcy protection from creditors (not generally a strong suit of the G.O.P.!), complete with prohibitions against perjury and other circumstantial evidence in court.

Blessings in Yeshua the Anointed One of YHWH,
Rob J. King

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Democrat Rob King

Friends, the next 24 days will prove decisive.

If the switch to the Democrat side of the Political spectrum "pays off" (I was, after all, raised as a staunch Jimmy Carter fan from 1976 - 2007 and always will be . . .), then I could very well become the next President of the United States of America.

Consider the 'facts' . . .

At Davidson College, my regular colleagues (sometimes friends even) were literally the sons of Senators. From Senator Strom Thurmond's son, Strom Thurmond Jr. (actually a much nicer man than his Dad!) to Secretary of the Navy's son John Dalton I was surrounded by the political elite. In fact, when I got to Notre Dame to study Ethics & Church History, it was a Davidson grad who befriended me. His name was George Brinkley and he was a professor of Condoleeza Rice when she attended Notre Dame to study Political Science.

At Duke University, again I was blessed by Divine Providence to meet and become a pupil of my Theological Mentors, Dr. Geoffrey Wainwright (a friend of John Paul II) and Dr. Stanley Hauerwas (recently named Time magazine's "Best Theologian in America").

At the University of Notre Dame, I studied Church & State relations, studied at the Law School, researched at the Law School, and then eventually settled into teaching philosophy, critical thinking, religious studies, cultural diversity and Christian ministry.

During 2005, I first began making 'political connections,' first with Bernice King, daughter of M.L. King, Jr. Next, I attended the Leadership Institute (traininge center that produced Karl Rove) and finally attended Chaplain's Officer Basic Course just as George W. Bush and other Presidents have similarly served in either the Reserves or National Guard in order to gain a practical understanding of the U.S. Military (2006 - 2007 is when I attended Political & Military Training).

Currently, I teach and am scheduled to continue teaching Applied Ethics at a state college. In this role, we have examined the thought of Justice Antonin Scalia, have talked endlessly about Constitutional rights and protection of Freedom and the American "way of life," and are set to (in our respective spheres) make a difference in turning this country back around.

But, I am only one man. Like Nelson Mandela, former President of South Africa, I come from a Christian Activist background, and as such I have suffered like Mr. Mandela has for our shared Christian convictions. Due process under law. Equal Rights for ALL citizens. Protection of religious freedom.

So, if you wish to see a good, honest man serve then please begin the process.

Love in Jesus Christ,
Rob King '08 undeclared