Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Use of Pleasure

In Michel Foucault's The Use of Pleasure (a book that I read as part of a PhD course in Early Christian Asceticism), the Greco-Roman practices of male and female relations are explored in detail. From homosexuality (especially prevalent among the Greek aristocratic elite philosopher-kings) to household economies (something often controlled by women ironically enough), Foucault presents a compelling and historically accurate photo of sexual mores in the Ancient Greco-Roman world.

Within this at times over-sexed, but also at times, sex-denying culture (i.e. even pagan philosophers such as often-times platonists), the human physical body was of the utmost concern to the sophisticated Greeks and Romans. Whereas pagan 'barbarians' (essentially anyone not Greek or Roman) would copulate freely like the animals of the fields, the Greeks and Romans had elaborate and sophisticated mores guiding such inter-penetration. Helen was the lady who single-handedly brought many a Greek man to his death at the hands of the Trojans. People could be raped by their pedophile philosophical mentors who befriended such 'boys' as their own personal sex-slaves (even Plato referred to this practice in The Republic). In short, sex was on almost every one's minds in the days of yore.

Into this wildly sexual scene, however, the Church of Jesus Christ arose. Within only a few short years, from Jesus (who wasn't really married to Mary Magdalene, Da Vinci Code ruse-style!) through the Apostle Paul, suddenly celibacy was the practice de jeur among the new aristocrats, the Christians. If one could control one's sex one could in turn control the world!

Here is where the ancient monastic tradition proves especially interesting within the contemporary U.S. political scene. In an American society that is as over-sexed as the Greeks and Romans of old (also killing off the unwanted babies through infanticide like the ancient Greeks and Romans did to their unwanted children), sex is similarly crass, but also a tool of rulership. Bono of U2, a married man, can gesticulate wildly and he thereby exhibits true power. Man and woman alike would want to get into Bono's pants (granted, homosexual men!), but as a true Christian man, Bono of U2 has remained happily married to the same woman (not a man, God forbid!!!) for the course of his career. Unlike Britney Spears who flaunted her Micky Mouse midriff but fell into a divorce/custody war and later alcohol rehab (what can you say, she couldn't control her sex!), someone like Bono is an exemplar of marital fidelity, and thus exhibits true power. Abstain from pre-marital and extra-marital sex, and rule the world.

Here is where Presidential politics get 'tricky.' In the scandalous to America, but tout de force for European sexual practice, the Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky affair elevated adultery to the National/Federal level. The Nation (not the Republican Party by the way) decided to just "wink, wink, nudge, nudge . . ." and allow the Commandment "Thou shalt not commit adultery" to be broken by Bubba Bill Clinton.

Now that we are in the post-adultery is ver boten era of American history, the ability to keep one's penis in one's pants (or selectively let it out) is once again a form of 'power politics' Greco-Roman pagan style. No longer will the monks rule in a visible way (unless one is named Richard Gere and the monks in question are Buddhists living in Tibet and thus not true monks!). No, Christian Europe of the pre-Renaissance Era is no longer a historical option. We ARE a Christian Empire of North, South and Central America, BUT a Christian Empire that is ruled as much by financial power and Bill Gates-style techno-savvy as we are anything specifically Christian. Preference is given to Unitarianism in the 'public sphere' but only so as not to anger Jews and Muslems, fellow monotheists. BUT, and an important but, when "push comes to shove" and we want to pray as a Nation, we still pray to the God who IS Jesus Christ. From Joel Osteen to Bishop T.D. Jakes to Benny Hinn to Pope Benedict XVI, we as a Western Hemisphere are, however imperfectly, a Christian imperial realm.

So, now that all of that sex, drugs and rock & roll becoming Christian imperialism is cleared up, let us join together and unlike Britney Spears, show some sexual restraint. Bill (and Hilary!) keep your private lives (as adulterous as they are) to yourselves. We could care less how much you really needed to get "pizza delivered" from your former intern. Britney, we could care less how you left your husband and became an alcoholic who shaved her head "neo-nazi" style. Mtv, we could care less whatever your 'real world' may be. It's nothing but empty pleasure-seeking to the rest of us good, hard-working, Sabbath-keeping Christian Americans.

Stay holy, stay loving, stay committed. Look Bono of U2 did and see what that did to his career! ;-)

God bless,
Rob J King, Political Candidate for Jesus

1 comment:

Rob J. said...

For a picture of Britney in Rehab . . . go to

Blessings in Jesus,
Rob J King