Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Gentrified Living or Homeless Gang-busting???

Yesterday I just signed a lease for a NICE 1 bedroom apartment in a soon-to-be-exclusive part of St. Petersburg, Florida . . .

$600/month, with hardwood floors, walking distance to Starbuck's, the downtown Pier and three blocks or so from 1/2 million dollar luxury condominium high-rises next to Tampa Bay, Florida.

A dream come true for this Florida boy!

But, as I excitedly prepare to transfer from Officer's Basic quarters (still nice, but Ft. Jackson, S.C. sure as heck is not St. Petersburg, FL) to my new Jesus-provided luxury living, I am perplexed.

Why is "urban development" necessarily tied to "homeless eviction?"

Sure, homelessness is an urban blight, but the true blight are not the homeless people themselves (people who are often criminalized just for being "poor"). No, the true blight is not a group of people who struggle with addictions, possibly struggle with schizophrenia, or possibly are just "down on their luck," having been evicted by a disgruntled spouse or other family member. ALL people are created in GOD's IMAGE. In the words of our Declaration of Independence as American citizens, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal . . ."

ALL PEOPLE also includes the homeless, and homeless people should NOT be criminalized just for being "homeless." After all, Jesus, the God-Man, was said to be a homeless man also . . . "The Son of Man [Jesus] has no place to lay His head . . ." so Holy Scripture reminds us.

So, in our efforts to "clean up" America, which does include cleaning up "crack houses" and fostering economically-viable "urban re-development," let us not forget the poor who live among us. Jesus told us to "Give to everyone who begs from us," and NOT to treat the homeless as useless garbage to be disposed of (e.g. St. Petersburg, Florida's anti-begging laws!). To do such "Homeless Gang-Busting" is there in turn a violation of a DIRECT COMMAND from GOD HIMSELF, JESUS, the GOD-MAN and SAVIOR of ALL HUMANITY who turn to Him in repentance seeking forgiveness of sins . . .

Blessings in Jesus' Name,
Rob J King, Homeless Advocate

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