Thursday, October 4, 2007

Help for Africa OR Sustainable Living Wages?

Today in my mailbox arrived my most recent edition of the Duke University Divinity School alumni journal. Unlike some top-notch schools that solely seek to 'make a name for themselves,' Duke University is one of those rare places in the Upper Echelons of society in which one can be an orthodox Jew or Christian, live a life of activism and not 'sell one's soul' to the prevailing Corporate-Governmental world financial system.

One poignant photo was of a 2007 Duke grad working with little children in Africa. The article mentioned how through generous scholarship support, this student could stave off student loan debt for long enough to do vitally needed work in Africa. Debt-enslaved Africa being helped by debt-enslaved America once again.

So, in the philanthropic spirit of Bono of U2, Bill Gates and my alma mater Duke University, I urge EACH of you my friends, colleagues and supporters to catch the spirit . . .

Whether it is the vibrant Pentecostal movement spreading throughout Africa OR whether it is staunch Roman Catholicism in places like Nigeria and Kenya, Jesus Christ is MOVING mightily among the people of Africa.

Amen and Praise the LORD!

And within this world vision of evangelistic support mixed with iron-clad economic support, I encourage you to support business in Africa. Whether it is buying African coffee at Starbuck's, joining up for the peace corps, or simply doing activist work here in the United States, stand up and fight non-violently in the tradition of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Love in Jesus,
Rob J. King, for America, for Africa, against evil

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