Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Psychological Perspectives on Evil

In M. Scott Peck's interesting, yet dated read, People of the Lie, a psychological evaluation of human evil is attempted.

In Peck's outstanding sampling of case studies (clinical psych) and interviews & observations of Catholic priests performing exoricisms, Peck comes to the conclusion that there is in fact something "evil" that is foreign to humanity, and outside of the realm of normal "empirical reality."

In Catholic and Protestant theology, such "evil" has always been designated as the figure of the devil, also known as "the Satan" ("accuser") and sometimes also known as "lucifer" the fallen angel. Evil is given concrete names in Christian theology.

Outside of Christianity (and to a lesser extent Islam and Judaism), much of the so-called secular world is left scratching their heads concerning evil.

One example of this is Stanley Milgram's famous experiment in which the professor of psychology admistered a startling test that proved that at least 2/3 of "normal Americans" would obey orders unquestioningly and even to the point of murdering innocent life! These normal Americans were very often college-educated, some even with master's degrees, and all were subservient to what they perceived as "authority" that must be blindly and unquestioningly followed. This experiment, according to Milgram, helped to explain how and why mass evil such as the Nazi genocide of 10 million people could be perpetuated by seemingly ordinary, and indeed even "rational" individuals.

So, what the secular world is left scratching their heads over, we Christians (and Jews & Muslims) know is evil personfied. Call him the devil, satan or lucifer. Whatever the name, we people descended from Father Abraham know that an evil force outside of nature does in fact exist. This is who we TRULY battle, not "Democrats" or "Republicans" but the devil.

For a fuller analysis, please see ABC News with a follow-up blog posting by me at:

STORY: http://abcnews.go.com/Primetime/story?id=2765416&page=1

BLOG: http://abcnews.go.com/Primetime/comments?type=story&id=2765416

Blessings in Jesus Christ,
Rob J. King, Defender of Abraham's People

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