Wednesday, June 13, 2007

WORD of Faith

I belong to a Christian Ministry called "Abiding Life."

Although I am in communion with the Pope, as a Charismatic Christian (and similar to ecumenical Charismatic Groups such as People of Praise at the University of Notre Dame), before anything else, I am a Spirit-Filled disciple of my TEACHER JESUS.

Yes, I have Russian Icons in my home. Yes, I pray the rosary seeking our Blessed Mother's PROTECTION and PRAYERS for the salvation of the lost souls in purgatory and here on earth. But, as a Spirit-Filled Believer in Jesus, just as in the Acts of the Apostles (Biblical Book recording the Early Church's History just after Jesus), we as Christians can SPEAK into existence that which would not otherwise be as if it ALREADY IS.

NO, this is NOT magic or "speaking incantations" (as groups such as the wiccans try to do), but instead, as JESUS is the WORD, so also, are we as Jesus' own BODY here on Earth to SPEAK as the Holy Spirit gives utterance.

SPEAK the Holy Spirit into EVERY situation in your life. As the Holy Spirit EMPOWERS you, so also will the WORD of Faith that you speak come into reality.

SPEAK as the Holy Spirit tells you to!

With Love,
Rob J King, a believer in miracles wrought by JESUS, our KING, LORD, and SAVIOR

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