Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Pat Tillman, martyr of America

In a current on-line poll of 118,223 respondents, 80% believe that Pat Tillman was killed as a result of fratricide (i.e. friendly fire).

For those of you who may be unfamiliar with the story, Pat Tillman was an NFL football player, who decided bravely to serve his country. Pat Tillman set aside the easy life of Glory, Money and Fame to lead the New America. Valor over dollars. But, the "Old America," the America that would rather belittle a person than recognize a true hero, the "Old America" that would rather victimize a "General" in the civil realm, instead gunned down one of America's (the "New America" of heroism, self-sacrifice, etc.) best and brightest country men.

So, what is your opinion?

Did Pat Tillman really die as a hero OR was Pat Tillman an even greater hero who died defending the TRUE America, who died as a result of fratricide?

Please post your responses. I would love to know . . .

Rob J King


Chad Lupkes said...

Tillman was certainly an American Hero, as are all of our soldiers and sailors. The important aspect of this news item was that the Army tried for 5 weeks to cover up the truth, even lying to Pat Tillman's family to keep the truth out of the public eye. So the big question is why they would do that.

Rob J. said...


Yes, the military, as we both know, will use whatever means necessary to silence freedom of speech. Not all military leaders, for example my friend Joe, an Air Force major who works next to the Pentagon and who served in Iraq. A TRUE American hero as MANY people I know who serve. BUT, having noted such valor, it is striking that Kevin Tillman, the brother of Pat Tillman, was in the convoy behind his brother Pat, and who ferventlt thinks that it was a case of fratricide.

No one likes bad publicity, and the "bad military" will do whatever it takes (legal & illegal) to cover-up bad press . . .

Rob J.