Thursday, February 5, 2009

Money, sex, pleasure, and why the West was won by Catholicism!

We live in a "sex-crazed" age!

Whether it's cross-dressers seeking to defy their normal biological gender specificity or whether it is the homosexual agenda seeking to normalize their union by calling it "marriage," the 'politics-of-sex' is something that is recurrent in the West!

Take the ancient Greeks prior to becoming Christians for example.

In ancient Greece, homosexuality (male-male or female-female) was practiced, as was "man-boy" love.

Looking back on those times, one can see how whenever a type of sexual relationship was deemed as "acceptable" by the governing structures, then those very governing structures would somehow become immune from any external moral critique.

Now, in 2009, state-after-state (e.g. California and Florida) are seeking to ban same-sex marriage.

Granted the Christian moral grounding of such a grass-roots movement to preserve monogamous, heterosexual marriage has been on the decline ever since the 1960's "sexual revolution," but nonetheless, the latent natural law reasoning of even liberal states such as California is claiming that homosexuality is simply not a normal practice.

But, and an important point to note, whereas the homosexual movement (e.g. "gay rights") is contrary to both the natural law and the theological view of Christianity, the move towards even viewing sexuality as primarily rooted in "pleasure" is in itself an underlying cause of why homosexuality would ever even begin to claim maritial union for itself! To separate sex from procreation, something that can be supported ironically enough from the philosophical history of sex posed by Michel Foucault, is itself to move in the direction of creating a new view of what "romantic love" even is!

Romantic love is to be contained within the covenant of marriage, yes, marriage between husband and wife, and with the intended goal of family-creation. When this end-goal is removed from the sexual act, then yes, sex becomes only something that "feels good" and the homosexual movement would, of course, see nothing wrong with also claiming their types of behavior as a type of "romance."

In conclusion, although I applaud Protestant attempts to maintain the sanctity of marriage, it is truly only the teaching of the Catholic Church which inextricably links marriage to family-creation that makes any moral sense (systematically!) concerning issues of sex.

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