Friday, November 21, 2008

Making the M-O-S-T of LIFE!

I was recently sent a nice e-mail, encouraging me in my "growth as a Leader" (sent by a fellow Shorecrest High grad, class of '91). This successful businessman (real estate) told me that "in order to climb the ladder of success, that we can't have our hands in our pockets!" (paraphrase)

How true this is!

Often life will send set-backs.

Mortgage foreclosures. Sickness. Job insecurity.

You name it and 2008 is a pretty awful year for the U.S.A.

But, however tempting it might be to blame Bush, blame Cheney (although I like blaming Cheney! :-), it is still the lot in life that we receive by Divine Providence, and as a "test of faith!"

Joseph, the early Hebrew patriarch was betrayed by his very own brothers (thrown in a well; sold into slavery in Egypt!).

Joseph could have cried "woa is me!" Joseph could have "kept his hands in his pockets . . ."

INSTEAD, however, Joseph just kept being faithful to God. God directed his path, and lo and behold, at the end of Joseph's life he became the second most-powerful political leader (next to Pharaoh!) in the Ancient World!!

So, when life throws us lemons, MAKE LEMONADE!

God will test us, but in the end, we shall be refined as silver or gold tested in the flames of Christ's holiness!

Blessings in Jesus' Name,
Rob J. King (What I am doing Academically, by the way . . . :-)

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