Friday, March 7, 2008

Art, the 'doorway' to the soul . . .

In St. Augustine's Confessions (the first example of what we moderns would term an "autobiography" . . .), there is a section in which the Doctor of the Church warns the would-be Christian disciple to 'guard one's senses.'

Sure, according to modern categories, things like 'blood and gore' seem to be part and parcel of any nice night at the local cinema, but for Augustine and Christian saints and mystics following him, to imbibe blood and gore, violence, etc. (e.g. the gladiator contests OR our own modern media fascination with death, decay, etc.) is to put our very soul in mortal danger (psuche in Greek, from which we get the word "psychology" . . .).

But, in refusing to take in 'blood & gore,' the senses should not be deprived altogether!

Here I am Catholic through and through!

Icons adorn my home (granted from Russia). Catholic art is a fascination for me, even including a poster of the famed Pieta ( in which the Virgin Mary is holding the dead body of Jesus Christ.

In looking to Christian Art, my soul is elevated!

That is why it is such an honor for me to attend (tonight!) a viewing of "Splendors of the Vatican," a collection of Roman Catholic art on display here at my local, hometown arts district (The Florida International Museum . . .). I do not know what my 'eyes' will take in (and yes, as my Puerto Rican Catholic mom would say, "the eyes are the gateway to the soul . . ."), but I do know that my soul will be marked forever!

So, tonight and through this Season of Lent, let us turn off the blood and gore (TV or movies . . .) and take in something healthy! Watch the History Channel or EWTN Catholic television if you like watching television. Be proactive and maybe even visit your local art gallery.

Like St. Augustine warned us against the 'blood & gore' of Imperial Roman persecution (i.e. it was CHRISTIANS who were sacrificed to the 'gladiator games'), so also must we not imbibe of such grotesque sites.

Blessings in Christ Jesus,

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