Karl Marx once termed religion 'the opiate of the masses . . .' Basically, the Marxist argument is that religion is nothing more than a way of placating the population into a herd-like mentality of acceptance of the capitalistic abuses set against them.
What is striking, however, is that wherever the true Christian Gospel is preached (e.g. Pentecostalism, Catholic ministry faithful to the Magisterium, Southern Baptist missions, etc.) the quite opposite normally happens!
Poor people when equipped with the Gospel message of salvation do not normally stay 'poor' for very long!
'White trailer trash' end up as Pentecostal clergy who are suddenly, like Pastor Rod Parsley (a Ohio preacher . . .), playing golf with the nation's elite.
Or take even ole Barack Obama.
Obama lost his mom, was never able to meet his father, raised by his grandparents, and through even a quite dead white Protestant denomination (U.C.C.) nonetheless was exposed to enough of the Gospel in order to give his life to Jesus Christ!
There you have it. The poor, the uneducated, the fatherless, the disenfranchised, et al will now through the power of Christ be in control of all key societal structures to include the Federal Government, local and state government and even the world financial grid!
Yep, Christians when exploited, pressed down, etc. through Christ are elevated to rule as kings and princes! Martin Luther King, Jr. is one such example. Will you now be the next?
All the very best in Christ, R. J. King
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Animals, Messiahs and other sundry topics . . .
The idea that human beings are in need of salvation is something that, in the Post-Modern Euro-West, seems to be anathema.
Whether one is speaking to the French secularist, the German secularist or the American Floridian "beach-bum," salvation itself just seems to be so 'exclusive.' Why can't all people just get into heaven? Truly homosexuals, abortion doctors and the like are 'just like everyone else,' right?
Well, as much as we are not to judge (Romans 2:1), there is nonetheless, a normative Judeo-Christian Ethic.
If a species of animals 'mates' through same gender sex, then, in addition to being completely irrational (i.e. contrary to the Natural Law . . .), these species would soon grow extinct! Homosexuality does not make 'sense' simply on DARWINIST grounds of species selection and promulgation (i.e. the survival of the planet is based upon heterosexual animals, to include the dolphin, the manatee, and yes, even the Florida yard lizard . . .).
But in the increasingly irrational United States of America and as led by 'liberals' who are not truly liberal, just wanting cheap political pay-offs from the homosexual community and its supporters, the Democrats stand for the morally incoherent view that male on male or female on female sexual coupling should not only be celebrated, but somehow declared law in the U.S.
We are truly falling apart as a society . . .
But what about the so-called 'good liberal . . .?' You know, the standard non-homosexual rights-supporting, PRO-WORKING CLASS, PRO-RELIGIOUS FREEDOM Democrat? Well aside from Bernice King (daughter of M.L. King, Jr.), the liberal cause (just like the conservative cause . . .) has been hi-jacked!
Let's protect the animals! Let's reform our poultry industry so that chickens are not pumped full of artificial hormones. Let's also insure their species survival by making heterosexual sex part of the Natural Law again! Not like heterosexuality ever went anywhere, but due to recent political maneuvering, the gay-lesbian-bi-sexual alliance has tried to shove homosexual deviance on the rest of America!
What about Religion?
Well, religion is not a general topic. No, as Karl Barth, Swiss German-speaking Theologian who actively resisted Hitler relentlessly chided German Protestant Liberalism for embodying, "Religion" is NEVER a general topic! No, RELIGION is ONLY the Religion of JESUS CHRIST who is LORD and Savior of ALL humanity.
One must accept Jesus Christ as LORD and SAVIOR and profess Him with your lips, believe in His Resurrection and be incorporated into Jesus Christ (Body & Blood) in order to be saved!
But the topic of exclusive salvation in Jesus Christ just seems so 'old-fashioned . . .'
Not anymore. Now it is CHRISTIANS who represent the minority in the U.S.A.
We Christians are a minority group and as such must FIGHT non-violently and politically to insure that our Christian Rights are not trampled.
Sadly, in ditching each of their respective clergy members, BOTH Barack Obama AND John McCain have shown their true disdain for Christianity's normative claims on their lives. Whatever gets them elected is what they each stand for!
So, if you want oil slicks in the Gulf of Mexico, VOTE McCAIN.
So, if you want homosexual marriage, then VOTE BARACK.
If you want Christ to Rule, well, I guess just watch TV and not worry about it. They'll both be gone (hopefully!) in the 2012 election. Maybe a Christian (a true Christian . . .) can be elected at that time.
Blessings and Love in Jesus Christ,
Rob J. King (concerned American, but JESUS-supporter . . .)
Whether one is speaking to the French secularist, the German secularist or the American Floridian "beach-bum," salvation itself just seems to be so 'exclusive.' Why can't all people just get into heaven? Truly homosexuals, abortion doctors and the like are 'just like everyone else,' right?
Well, as much as we are not to judge (Romans 2:1), there is nonetheless, a normative Judeo-Christian Ethic.
If a species of animals 'mates' through same gender sex, then, in addition to being completely irrational (i.e. contrary to the Natural Law . . .), these species would soon grow extinct! Homosexuality does not make 'sense' simply on DARWINIST grounds of species selection and promulgation (i.e. the survival of the planet is based upon heterosexual animals, to include the dolphin, the manatee, and yes, even the Florida yard lizard . . .).
But in the increasingly irrational United States of America and as led by 'liberals' who are not truly liberal, just wanting cheap political pay-offs from the homosexual community and its supporters, the Democrats stand for the morally incoherent view that male on male or female on female sexual coupling should not only be celebrated, but somehow declared law in the U.S.
We are truly falling apart as a society . . .
But what about the so-called 'good liberal . . .?' You know, the standard non-homosexual rights-supporting, PRO-WORKING CLASS, PRO-RELIGIOUS FREEDOM Democrat? Well aside from Bernice King (daughter of M.L. King, Jr.), the liberal cause (just like the conservative cause . . .) has been hi-jacked!
Let's protect the animals! Let's reform our poultry industry so that chickens are not pumped full of artificial hormones. Let's also insure their species survival by making heterosexual sex part of the Natural Law again! Not like heterosexuality ever went anywhere, but due to recent political maneuvering, the gay-lesbian-bi-sexual alliance has tried to shove homosexual deviance on the rest of America!
What about Religion?
Well, religion is not a general topic. No, as Karl Barth, Swiss German-speaking Theologian who actively resisted Hitler relentlessly chided German Protestant Liberalism for embodying, "Religion" is NEVER a general topic! No, RELIGION is ONLY the Religion of JESUS CHRIST who is LORD and Savior of ALL humanity.
One must accept Jesus Christ as LORD and SAVIOR and profess Him with your lips, believe in His Resurrection and be incorporated into Jesus Christ (Body & Blood) in order to be saved!
But the topic of exclusive salvation in Jesus Christ just seems so 'old-fashioned . . .'
Not anymore. Now it is CHRISTIANS who represent the minority in the U.S.A.
We Christians are a minority group and as such must FIGHT non-violently and politically to insure that our Christian Rights are not trampled.
Sadly, in ditching each of their respective clergy members, BOTH Barack Obama AND John McCain have shown their true disdain for Christianity's normative claims on their lives. Whatever gets them elected is what they each stand for!
So, if you want oil slicks in the Gulf of Mexico, VOTE McCAIN.
So, if you want homosexual marriage, then VOTE BARACK.
If you want Christ to Rule, well, I guess just watch TV and not worry about it. They'll both be gone (hopefully!) in the 2012 election. Maybe a Christian (a true Christian . . .) can be elected at that time.
Blessings and Love in Jesus Christ,
Rob J. King (concerned American, but JESUS-supporter . . .)
Thursday, June 19, 2008
BayWalk, Sembler, and other failed laissez-faire financial investments . . .
I just read the other day where my favorite movie complex, BayWalk in downtown St. Petersburg, is actually looking for a 'buyer' due to the foot traffic of downtown St. Petersburg conveniently bypassing this colossal real estate investment by Sembler.
How can this be?
I thought that 'free-market economic principles' were the supposed panacea for all problems in the U.S.?
Well, Toto, we're not in Kansas!!! :-)
It turns out that Pinellas County residents VOTE WITH THEIR FEET!
If Sembler and other supporters of the failed laissez-faire system perpetuated by George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, et al cannot 'turn a profit' on their own investments (without siphoning off of public support!) then why do they think that such bad fiscal policy will somehow fix 'our problems?'
BayWalk charges too much for food, and so we end up eating at Chipotle Mexican!
BayWalk charges too much for clothing, and so we end up going to Old Navy.
Sorry, but when left to the free-market, your laissez-faire economic ideology produces smog-filled suburbs, gas-guzzling SUV's, $4 - $5 per gallon gas prices and inner cities that are becoming intoxicated war-zones complete with drugs, gangs, and even the homeless left to camp out in the normally beautiful public parks.
So if you want your children to side-step the unemployed wino as you vault over broken bottles and as the only movie theater in the downtown area prepares to go under, then VOTE REPUBLICAN!
BUT, if like Pinellas County Commissioner Welch (who works with Faith-Based Groups and tries to safe-guard the urban landscape . . .) you wish to make America beautiful again, then I guess Obama is the FUTURE!
(now, if only we could convince that murdering babies, and homosexual unions are not good moral responsibility, then we'd have a perfect world ushered in through the next election!)
Love in Jesus' Name, Rob J. King CHRIST-CENTERED Democrat
How can this be?
I thought that 'free-market economic principles' were the supposed panacea for all problems in the U.S.?
Well, Toto, we're not in Kansas!!! :-)
It turns out that Pinellas County residents VOTE WITH THEIR FEET!
If Sembler and other supporters of the failed laissez-faire system perpetuated by George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, et al cannot 'turn a profit' on their own investments (without siphoning off of public support!) then why do they think that such bad fiscal policy will somehow fix 'our problems?'
BayWalk charges too much for food, and so we end up eating at Chipotle Mexican!
BayWalk charges too much for clothing, and so we end up going to Old Navy.
Sorry, but when left to the free-market, your laissez-faire economic ideology produces smog-filled suburbs, gas-guzzling SUV's, $4 - $5 per gallon gas prices and inner cities that are becoming intoxicated war-zones complete with drugs, gangs, and even the homeless left to camp out in the normally beautiful public parks.
So if you want your children to side-step the unemployed wino as you vault over broken bottles and as the only movie theater in the downtown area prepares to go under, then VOTE REPUBLICAN!
BUT, if like Pinellas County Commissioner Welch (who works with Faith-Based Groups and tries to safe-guard the urban landscape . . .) you wish to make America beautiful again, then I guess Obama is the FUTURE!
(now, if only we could convince that murdering babies, and homosexual unions are not good moral responsibility, then we'd have a perfect world ushered in through the next election!)
Love in Jesus' Name, Rob J. King CHRIST-CENTERED Democrat
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Zeitgeist, German Imperialism . . .
Foucault, the Greatest French Intellectual of the 20th century valiantly fought off several of the worst abusers within modernity. 'Mental illness' as a classificatory scheme propped up by the Prison System. Medicine as a medically verifiable course of study in which the 'disease' suddenly over-rode the patient in terms of importance. Finally, prison itself in which sheer bureaucracy could imprison someone indefinitely, all behind the facade of anonymity.
Well, the Year is 2008 A.D. and although the enemies of the Cross of Jesus wish to adopt 'normative-sounding' prose, the true test of truth will be held within the battlefield of the mind!
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba it turns out really is inside the jurisdiction of the U.S. Constitution, and much to the chagrin of George W. Bush, ever the American King wishing to override the laws of the land! No, by a margin of 5 - 4, the U.S. Supreme Court said that even our enemies are deserving of due process under U.S. Law!
But what of 'mental illness?' The sad fact is that 'mental illness' is an artificial construction whereby those holding the keys to a police state can label anyone with whom they disagree as being 'crazy' or 'delusional' and that seems to be the end of the story! The Soviet Union did so to political dissenters, as does Communist China. In fact, I even know a professor who disagreed with the former Pope, John Paul II, and rather than admit his own less than holy life (pretty arrogant chap!) instead just said, "The Pope's crazy!" Well, friends, 'crazy' is not a theological or epistemological category.
Indeed, when Jesus Christ was ministering, even his own family had claimed that Jesus had "gone out of his mind!"
Yep, that's right, whether the enemies of the cross are errant faculty, communists, or simply shrinks, the pull towards dictatorship is as common to human history as eating, drinking and sleeping.
The term "zeitgeist" is a German word meaning "spirit of the times" and is an apt word to utilize when describing the post 2001 shift in U.S. self-identity! No longer are Americans concerned with due process under law. No, now in the wake of 9/11, we are living in a "clean-up" operation! We must now re-gain the very liberties that BOTH Democrats and Republicans have done away with! Whether it is warrant-less wire-taps or refusing to acknowledge our dependence on foreign oil, we Americans will now rebuild.
Sorry about that one . . .
Maybe we can learn from the Post WW II German people! In Germany, the horrors of the Holocaust led to an increasingly socialist and free society opposed to all forms of discrimination. Perhaps in our own society, and in the wake of Roe v. Wade's disavowing of Christian and Natural Law teaching regarding protection of babies in the womb we can now rebuild a 'culture of life.'
Rob J. King
Well, the Year is 2008 A.D. and although the enemies of the Cross of Jesus wish to adopt 'normative-sounding' prose, the true test of truth will be held within the battlefield of the mind!
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba it turns out really is inside the jurisdiction of the U.S. Constitution, and much to the chagrin of George W. Bush, ever the American King wishing to override the laws of the land! No, by a margin of 5 - 4, the U.S. Supreme Court said that even our enemies are deserving of due process under U.S. Law!
But what of 'mental illness?' The sad fact is that 'mental illness' is an artificial construction whereby those holding the keys to a police state can label anyone with whom they disagree as being 'crazy' or 'delusional' and that seems to be the end of the story! The Soviet Union did so to political dissenters, as does Communist China. In fact, I even know a professor who disagreed with the former Pope, John Paul II, and rather than admit his own less than holy life (pretty arrogant chap!) instead just said, "The Pope's crazy!" Well, friends, 'crazy' is not a theological or epistemological category.
Indeed, when Jesus Christ was ministering, even his own family had claimed that Jesus had "gone out of his mind!"
Yep, that's right, whether the enemies of the cross are errant faculty, communists, or simply shrinks, the pull towards dictatorship is as common to human history as eating, drinking and sleeping.
The term "zeitgeist" is a German word meaning "spirit of the times" and is an apt word to utilize when describing the post 2001 shift in U.S. self-identity! No longer are Americans concerned with due process under law. No, now in the wake of 9/11, we are living in a "clean-up" operation! We must now re-gain the very liberties that BOTH Democrats and Republicans have done away with! Whether it is warrant-less wire-taps or refusing to acknowledge our dependence on foreign oil, we Americans will now rebuild.
Sorry about that one . . .
Maybe we can learn from the Post WW II German people! In Germany, the horrors of the Holocaust led to an increasingly socialist and free society opposed to all forms of discrimination. Perhaps in our own society, and in the wake of Roe v. Wade's disavowing of Christian and Natural Law teaching regarding protection of babies in the womb we can now rebuild a 'culture of life.'
Rob J. King
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Oil, Barack Obama, and the Future!
So will Barack Obama win the 2008 Presidential Election?
The 'mood' of the Nation certainly seems to point in this direction. Barack Obama is a 'born again' Christian who dedicated his life to Jesus Christ. Barack Obama represents the hope of the African American community. Barack Obama is a Harvard-trained Juris Doctor (summa cum laude), and someone with whom the 'elite' of the Left would feel quite comfortable.
BUT, what of National Security?
What of Homeland Security?
No, Barack Obama is not secretly Al Qaida or some other nonsense! Barack Obama is simply the son of an American woman and a Kenyan father. Barack Obama, like many of us, is a 'migrant,' at home as much in Chicago as in L.A., Miami or D.C. Part of 'Generation X' actually . . .
Many have called X Generation 'slackers,' yet it is we who bravely answered the call to defend freedom!
9/11 happened, and it was Generation X that signed up for duty, duty in the Army, duty in the Marine Corps, or just duty as scholars, or leaders in our local communities.
In many ways, and not to blame the Baby Boomers that much, but nonetheless it was that large, gas guzzling generation of post WW II 50's and 60's agers that have made a mess of our nation!
On the watch of the 'Baby Boomers' we Americans welcomed in easy sex, easy (& hard-core) drugs, drugs like heroin, crack cocaine, you name it! It was the 'Baby Boomers' who conveniently looked the other way as Roe v. Wade expanded into abortion-on-demand. Don't want a baby? That's okay, since 1973 that baby can be called a 'fetus,' killed by a doctor and then dumped in the trash!
THANKS BABY BOOMERS! (sarcasm intended!)
BUT, whether it is the 40 something year old Obama OR the Ancient candidate McCain, at least, by Divine Providence, we will not have a 'boomer!'
LONG LIVE ALL that is GOOD in America! (OH, YEAH, thanks Supreme Court for over-turning the President's practice of indefinite confinement of our national enemies! We NEED due process under law, NOT living in Cheney-terror state!)
Love in Jesus Christ! Rob J. King
The 'mood' of the Nation certainly seems to point in this direction. Barack Obama is a 'born again' Christian who dedicated his life to Jesus Christ. Barack Obama represents the hope of the African American community. Barack Obama is a Harvard-trained Juris Doctor (summa cum laude), and someone with whom the 'elite' of the Left would feel quite comfortable.
BUT, what of National Security?
What of Homeland Security?
No, Barack Obama is not secretly Al Qaida or some other nonsense! Barack Obama is simply the son of an American woman and a Kenyan father. Barack Obama, like many of us, is a 'migrant,' at home as much in Chicago as in L.A., Miami or D.C. Part of 'Generation X' actually . . .
Many have called X Generation 'slackers,' yet it is we who bravely answered the call to defend freedom!
9/11 happened, and it was Generation X that signed up for duty, duty in the Army, duty in the Marine Corps, or just duty as scholars, or leaders in our local communities.
In many ways, and not to blame the Baby Boomers that much, but nonetheless it was that large, gas guzzling generation of post WW II 50's and 60's agers that have made a mess of our nation!
On the watch of the 'Baby Boomers' we Americans welcomed in easy sex, easy (& hard-core) drugs, drugs like heroin, crack cocaine, you name it! It was the 'Baby Boomers' who conveniently looked the other way as Roe v. Wade expanded into abortion-on-demand. Don't want a baby? That's okay, since 1973 that baby can be called a 'fetus,' killed by a doctor and then dumped in the trash!
THANKS BABY BOOMERS! (sarcasm intended!)
BUT, whether it is the 40 something year old Obama OR the Ancient candidate McCain, at least, by Divine Providence, we will not have a 'boomer!'
LONG LIVE ALL that is GOOD in America! (OH, YEAH, thanks Supreme Court for over-turning the President's practice of indefinite confinement of our national enemies! We NEED due process under law, NOT living in Cheney-terror state!)
Love in Jesus Christ! Rob J. King
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Animals, Food, Etc.
How are we supposed to treat our animals, both our pets, and also those animals set aside for human consumption?
In many ways, this type of argument is something that 'transcends' normal political boundaries.
Gandhi, neither liberal nor conservative and a Hindu-Jain admirer of Jesus of Nazareth (i.e. teachings on non-violence), stated (paraphrase) that the strength of a nation is determined by how well it treats its animals!
In many ways, our Nation State is especially blessed!
We bless each other at Christmas with gifts.
We have a strong human rights tradition as grounded in Natural Rights political theory.
We have freedom of press, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech!
BUT, with all of our freedoms, has also come license. License means that when faced with an 'unwanted pregnancy' we (as an American people group . . .) 'choose' to terminate 'our' pregnancies . . . Roe v. Wade = genocide and millions of babies have been slaughtered since 1973 as a result!
Maybe this carnage is conceptually linked with our treatment of creation in general!
For the sake of convenience we pump our chickens full of growth hormones, store them in unsanitary living conditions called 'chicken houses,' and then slaughter them. Truly, killing animals for food is permissible in both the Old Covenant of Moses, and in the New Covenant of Christ Jesus, but not through means that are cruel and inhumane.
At one point we were an agriculturally-based society, and 'modern mechanized farming' did not yet exist.
Now, animals once roaming free on the small-scale farms, are now chained up, couped up, all in the interests of capitalistic efficiency!
And the same with Roe v. Wade.
Once babies were protected by LAW! Now, abortion is a means of birth control! Don't want a baby, then just throw it in the trash! ALL legal, and all due to the errant views of rogue justices!
Now, as Gandhi saw, the carnage of agriculture has led to the debasement at a collective level!
We slaughter our own children just as mercilessly as we chain animals to cages and pump them full of steroids!
ALL the very best in Christ Jesus,
Rob J. King,
son of a farming family who loved & respected the animals they ate . . . (ALSO, a survivor of the Abortion Holocaust!)
In many ways, this type of argument is something that 'transcends' normal political boundaries.
Gandhi, neither liberal nor conservative and a Hindu-Jain admirer of Jesus of Nazareth (i.e. teachings on non-violence), stated (paraphrase) that the strength of a nation is determined by how well it treats its animals!
In many ways, our Nation State is especially blessed!
We bless each other at Christmas with gifts.
We have a strong human rights tradition as grounded in Natural Rights political theory.
We have freedom of press, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech!
BUT, with all of our freedoms, has also come license. License means that when faced with an 'unwanted pregnancy' we (as an American people group . . .) 'choose' to terminate 'our' pregnancies . . . Roe v. Wade = genocide and millions of babies have been slaughtered since 1973 as a result!
Maybe this carnage is conceptually linked with our treatment of creation in general!
For the sake of convenience we pump our chickens full of growth hormones, store them in unsanitary living conditions called 'chicken houses,' and then slaughter them. Truly, killing animals for food is permissible in both the Old Covenant of Moses, and in the New Covenant of Christ Jesus, but not through means that are cruel and inhumane.
At one point we were an agriculturally-based society, and 'modern mechanized farming' did not yet exist.
Now, animals once roaming free on the small-scale farms, are now chained up, couped up, all in the interests of capitalistic efficiency!
And the same with Roe v. Wade.
Once babies were protected by LAW! Now, abortion is a means of birth control! Don't want a baby, then just throw it in the trash! ALL legal, and all due to the errant views of rogue justices!
Now, as Gandhi saw, the carnage of agriculture has led to the debasement at a collective level!
We slaughter our own children just as mercilessly as we chain animals to cages and pump them full of steroids!
ALL the very best in Christ Jesus,
Rob J. King,
son of a farming family who loved & respected the animals they ate . . . (ALSO, a survivor of the Abortion Holocaust!)
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Religiosity, 'New Religions' and Why the WEST had FAILED
I am very often appalled.
I am appalled by the War in IRAQ.
I am appalled by missing body parts of U.S. Vets from the aforementioned War in IRAQ.
I am appalled that John Paul II's words were virtually ignored by the Bush-Cheney Administration, words saying that the invasion of IRAQ violated principles of Just-War (jus ad bellum . . .) that specify that a Just-War is only done in self-defense!
I am also appalled by abortion. Babies are murdered, yet since 1973, our 'Supreme Court' (kangaroo court!!!) does nothing to protect babies!
What can I say, I am a CATHOLIC CHRISTIAN!
Roman rule is reestablished in the West. Pre-Christian Roman Rule . . .
Like the Emperor Diocletian who brutally opposed all things Christian, so also has much of the U.S.A. and most of Western Europe opposed the reign of Christ!
We have children ripped from God-fearing homes by 'social service' agencies who call corporal punishment 'child abuse,' but then in lieu of loving, Godly discipline, these self-proclaimed high priests of the new psycho therapeutic nazi regime (counselors!) shove a malicious cocktail of drugs down these misbehaving kids' unsuspecting throats! Throw Jesus out of the schools, but then replace Christ with the new nazi psycho therapeutic "State Religion" called psychiatry!
BUT, there is HOPE!
No, the HOPE does not lie in Barack Obama. No, the hope does not lie in McCain.
There we have it. The 'West' is no longer truly Christian as Military Chaplains spend more time learning Freud and Jung than they do evangelizing the masses! (I should know, I went through "Chaplaincy Training" and all it was to TRUE believing Jews, Catholics and Protestants was that evil hodgepodge of 'tell me how you feel' counseling . . .).
All the best, Rob ("Catholic-to-the-right-of-the-POPE . . . ;-)" Benedict XVI is great, he just needs to reign in the heretics EVEN MORE! I know some Theology Professors at Catholic Universities would might be getting a phone call! ;-)
I am appalled by the War in IRAQ.
I am appalled by missing body parts of U.S. Vets from the aforementioned War in IRAQ.
I am appalled that John Paul II's words were virtually ignored by the Bush-Cheney Administration, words saying that the invasion of IRAQ violated principles of Just-War (jus ad bellum . . .) that specify that a Just-War is only done in self-defense!
I am also appalled by abortion. Babies are murdered, yet since 1973, our 'Supreme Court' (kangaroo court!!!) does nothing to protect babies!
What can I say, I am a CATHOLIC CHRISTIAN!
Roman rule is reestablished in the West. Pre-Christian Roman Rule . . .
Like the Emperor Diocletian who brutally opposed all things Christian, so also has much of the U.S.A. and most of Western Europe opposed the reign of Christ!
We have children ripped from God-fearing homes by 'social service' agencies who call corporal punishment 'child abuse,' but then in lieu of loving, Godly discipline, these self-proclaimed high priests of the new psycho therapeutic nazi regime (counselors!) shove a malicious cocktail of drugs down these misbehaving kids' unsuspecting throats! Throw Jesus out of the schools, but then replace Christ with the new nazi psycho therapeutic "State Religion" called psychiatry!
BUT, there is HOPE!
No, the HOPE does not lie in Barack Obama. No, the hope does not lie in McCain.
There we have it. The 'West' is no longer truly Christian as Military Chaplains spend more time learning Freud and Jung than they do evangelizing the masses! (I should know, I went through "Chaplaincy Training" and all it was to TRUE believing Jews, Catholics and Protestants was that evil hodgepodge of 'tell me how you feel' counseling . . .).
All the best, Rob ("Catholic-to-the-right-of-the-POPE . . . ;-)" Benedict XVI is great, he just needs to reign in the heretics EVEN MORE! I know some Theology Professors at Catholic Universities would might be getting a phone call! ;-)
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